Cage Fight
Where modern human predators get paired up with ancient carnivores and we bet how long it takes before all we have left is a greasy spot on the floor.
Dick Cheney
Arctodus Simus
Cheney's infamous curled lip snarl would be no match for a dripping, gape mouthed roar from the gargantuan short faced bear that roamed his home state of Wyoming for hundreds of thousands of years. Up to 13 feet tall standing up and weighing a ton, even birdshot to it's face would do little to keep it from lunching on his rotten guts.
So sorry Dick.
Dick Cheney
Arctodus Simus
Cheney's infamous curled lip snarl would be no match for a dripping, gape mouthed roar from the gargantuan short faced bear that roamed his home state of Wyoming for hundreds of thousands of years. Up to 13 feet tall standing up and weighing a ton, even birdshot to it's face would do little to keep it from lunching on his rotten guts.
So sorry Dick.
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