Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Is All The Gold In Fort Knox Counterfeit?

Chinese say they received bogus bars of gold traced to U.S.

"Could over 1 million bars of gold, much of which is still held in Fort Knox, Ky., be counterfeit? An October 2009 discovery that suggests this may be true has been suppressed by the mainstream media but has been circulating among the “big money” brokers and financial kingpins. It is just now being revealed to the public.

Gold is regularly exchanged between countries to pay debts and to settle the so-called balance of trade. It is often also used as a hedge against a falling currency. Gold is regularly traded and stored in vaults under the strict supervision of a special organization based in London, known as the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). That’s why news of counterfeit gold bars was a surprise to many experts.

In October 2009, China reportedly received a large shipment of gold, containing some 6,000 bars, weighing 400 ounces each. When it was received, the Chinese government asked that tests be performed to guarantee the purity and weight of the gold bars. In this test, four small holes were drilled into the bars, and the metal was analyzed. Officials were shocked to find the bars were bogus. They contained cores of tungsten, with only an outer coating of real gold. What’s more, these gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the United States and had reportedly been stored in Fort Knox for years."

"But tungsten is vastly cheaper than gold—maybe $30 dollars a pound, compared to $1,200 an ounce for gold right now. It has exactly the same density as gold, to three decimal places. Therefore, it has to be drilled to detect the fraud. The only differences are that it’s the wrong color, and that it’s much harder than gold. Pure gold is soft and can be dented with a fingernail.

At first, many gold experts speculated that the fake gold must have originated in China, which is considered the world’s best knock-off producers. However, the Chinese government investigated and issued a statement pointing a finger squarely at the United States.

The Chinese claim that in 1995—during the Clinton administration (Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers)—between 1.3 million and 1.5 million 400-ounce tungsten blanks were manufactured by a sophisticated refiner in the United States, amounting to more than 16,000 metric tons. Some 640,000 of these tungsten blanks were then gold plated and shipped to Fort Knox, according to the Chinese, where they are said to remain to this day. The Chinese contend that the remaining collection of these 400-ounce fakes was eventually gold-plated and then “sold” into international markets."


Anonymous Buy gold online said...

I did hear about this on the GEI forums. Convincing case however as with evertything proof is needed. These "salted" bars could just be a few.

What we do have proof is is that the FED are printing money at an even quicker rate. This has the same effect in the long run as fake gold bars.

3/2/10 3:02 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I would think that any scam that pilfered the gold, especially going all the way back to the Clinton era, would have wiped the place clean, wouldn't you? I mean, if they were getting away with it why would they stop doing it?

Add totally out of control big government spending and a history of deceit and I think we can safely assume it's all gone.

3/2/10 5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...why would they stop doing it?

Exactly, why would they?

I surmise the real gold in Fort Knox is long gone, replaced by the plated tungsten.

Of course this is just theory. But with Helicopter Ben's printing press running non-stop...

3/2/10 2:48 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

The entire "economy" of this country going back decades has been one long criminal enterprise. In order to continue the thieving scam the criminals bluffed along by pretending normalcy meanwhile stealing everything and then patching the wounds with bandaids. There's no national treasure, no gold, no social security funds, no manufacturing base for recovery, and with the final theft of a couple dozen trillion, imminent collapse.

3/2/10 5:40 PM  

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