Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What Passes For News At Yahoo

Obama chief of staff’s 'retarded' insult brings fallout, Palin criticism

"Dating back to the time he worked in the Clinton administration, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has developed an almost notorious reputation in Washington for being a brash personality with a penchant for profanity-laced diatribes. Conversely, his intense nature, in addition to his sharp mind, are what many attribute to his success and effectiveness as a Washington power player. But a recently revealed remark he made in a closed-door meeting attended by White House aides and leaders of liberal special-interest groups has irked many, prompting him to issue an apology.
Last week, the
Wall Street Journal reported that Emanuel, exasperated upon learning that liberal special-interest groups were planning to run ads against conservative Democrats not supportive of health care reform, blasted the plan as "f------ retarded" over the summer. Naturally, some outrage ensued after Emanuel's words came to light, with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin taking to her Facebook page to call on President Obama to fire him for what she saw as the equivalent of a racial slur."

More to the point:

"Her looks fading as fast as interest in self serving political has beens, the failed ex governor from Alaska's meth capital took to an online social network in a pathetic attempt to remain in the public eye. Feigning outrage at some remark an Israeli/american dual citizen uttered in a private meeting that had nothing to do with her, Mrs. Palin hoped various whoring MSM outlets who specialize in trivial distraction would pay some attention to a cheap and meaningless stunt."


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