Monday, February 01, 2010

No Naked Full Body Airport Scan, No Flight In Britain

Coming soon to every public venue in the US after the next phony terror event

"Naked body scanning will now be compulsory at two of Britain’s biggest airports after the government announced people who refuse to let security thugs ogle their genitalia will be treated like terrorists and barred from flying.
“It is now compulsory for people selected for a scan to take part, or they will not be allowed to fly,”
reports the BBC.
That ’s right – no optional pat down as we were told, if you think that having strangers leer over your naked body is an invasion of privacy and refuse, you’ll be treated the same way as a suspected terrorist.
Manchester Airport’s head of customer experience, Sarah Barrett, told the BBC that the scanners do not allow security staff to see passengers naked. This of course is a complete lie. The images produced by the scanners provide high resolution crisp images of your genitalia. This was
confirmed by London Guardian writer Helen Carter who investigated trials of the scanners at Manchester Airport and said genitals were “eerily visible” in the images.
Indeed, as we have previously highlighted, when the scanners were first introduced at Australian airports in 2008 it was admitted that the X-ray backscatter devices don’t work properly unless the genitals of people going through them are visible. “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities,” said Melbourne Airport’s Office of Transport Security manager Cheryl Johnson.
Despite objections on the grounds that the images produced violate child porn laws, the UK government has simply gone ahead anyway and overturned a previous ban on under 18’s being forced to use the scanners. This will now give free reign to the kind of
control freak thugs who like to sexually harass 13-year-old girls to ogle your naked daughter’s breasts while sitting alone in a back room enjoying themselves.
“A rule which meant under 18s were not allowed to participate in the body scanner trial has been overturned by the government,” according to the BBC report."

US airports, sports arenas, train stations, schools and shopping malls, don't for a second think the fascists are going to stop forcing this down our throats. They want absolutely no privacy for us with no oversight and complete privacy for them.


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