Wednesday, February 03, 2010

False Flag Comin' Up

Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs “Certain” Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

"Using information gleaned from the blatantly set-up underwear bomber patsy Umar Abdul Muttalab, intelligence chiefs have assured us that their bosses will stage another terror attack in the U.S. within the next three to six months.
“According to the nation’s intelligence chiefs, a terror attack in the United States will likely be launched within the next six months,
reports WLS.
“ABC News has learned some of the intelligence has come from the accused Christmas Day bomber,” states the report.
Despite the fact that the official story behind the Christmas Day bombing has been discredited beyond all recognition, the establishment is still constantly invoking it as yet another reason for Americans to obediently line up for naked body scans in fear of whatever boogeyman is being waved in front of their faces this week.
Since federal and state authorities apparently now consider libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, gun owners and basically anyone with two brain cells left to rub together as potential domestic terrorists, whatever tricks they do decide to pull over the next six months will undoubtedly be used to tighten the screws against American dissidents that they have consistently characterized as extremist threats."

It was always just a matter of time before the final nails on the republic's coffin were hammered shut. But the fascists had to wait for a trojan horse administration like Obama's before they staged their domestic shock and awe theatrics.

For decades this is what they've always done to further their agenda. (Probably since the Nazi war machine became joined at the hip to american government via Operation Paperclip, an apt name, no?) They understand now that blatant abuse of power necessarily contains the seeds for it's destruction. It always creates it's opposition so they come at us sideways, like a crab, instead of head on. No goose stepping down Main Street this time. "By way of deception". Create firewalls and plausible deniability. Hire mercenaries.
Pretend it's for our own good.
Make us lick our chains.

I've been around long enough to see that as far as politics go, when big things need to happen to fulfill their agenda for a fascist police state at home and empire abroad, things will come out of left field. When we least expect it. They wouldn't do that! They've established these brands that make us think that what's happening is so far fetched that there can't be any manipulation or conspiracy. Republicans are warmongers but more war has been waged under democrats. Democrats are for big government yet the federal government became monstrous under republicans. Avowed anti communist Nixon traveled oversees to establish relations with communist China. It wasn't pro business republicans who recently gave tens of trillions to corporate interests.

Lately since 9/11 it's become blurred because they've had to speed their timetable up. Hard to tell 'em apart now. They were always all on the same page but now except for minor bickering they don't even bother to keep up the appearance of being different. The corporatocracy is solidly behind ziofascism. And now for some reason they always announce their intentions beforehand; I've heard more than once that this is death cult magik to insure success through our passive awareness and compliance. The link above is only the latest indication that they have mighty big plans for us soon, and for these big plans I think they are going back to a ruse that worked so well lo these many years.

For our final plunge into authoritarian hell in this shattered country they've installed the best frontman they could find to drive the bus off the cliff after pulling their final lolapalooza. Brand Obama, supposedly liberal, supposedly democrat, supposedly anti war, a black man with a million dollar smile, prone to lofty speechifying. The fascists are going to count on millions of people not to take action even as the hammer falls on their confused heads. Who would ever think his administration would do anything that's not in our best interests?


Blogger Devin said...

Nolo- thanks once again -great post!!
they are "workin it" differently this time around- 1933-1945 didn't go so well-i agree very much with the "trojan horse" aspect-
this time -with amazing computing power - mass spying capabilities- a population for the most part that cannot think critically- it is an All- American nightmare right around the corner!!

5/2/10 2:44 AM  
Blogger Devin said...

ps- i wonder if the previous bit about killing Americans -supposedly abroad- yeah right- like they are gonna be particular - is them lining their ducks up?
all the best to you my friend and the Mrs and all who comment here!!

5/2/10 2:45 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

This truly is their grand denouement of a long audacious process. The death cult sickos tried twice before to set the world on fire and take over afterwards, but I think as you say, Devin, they're going for the brass ring now that they have the technology at last.

5/2/10 4:28 AM  
Blogger greencrow said...


Did you see this?

Scary, for me anyway.


5/2/10 1:39 PM  

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