Saturday, February 07, 2009

Pushing, Pushing, Pushing

Israeli jets stage mock raids in Lebanon airspace

"Israeli fighter jets have carried out mock attacks and reconnaissance missions in border regions with Lebanon, Press TV has learned. Violating the Lebanese airspace, the warplanes carried out reconnaissance flights over border regions including Hasbaya, Arqub, Shaaba farms and Western Beqaa on Friday, a Press TV correspondent reported.
The military jets also overflew several other regions at low altitude and launched mock raids against Lebanese targets."

Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers and internationals in Al Faraheen

"Israeli soldiers again opened fire on Palestinian farmers and international Human Rights Workers (HRWs) on Thursday 5th February, as they attempted to harvest parsley in agricultural land near the Green Line."

Passengers of freighter seized by Israel return home with tales of abuse

"Salam Khodr, an Al-Jazeera journalist who was on board the vessel, said the Israelis had taken the crew's possessions when they were arrested. "The Israeli army confiscated all our videotapes; we were separated from each other, we were blindfolded and handcuffed. They beat some of us; I was beaten," she said.
"The soldiers kicked Dr Hani Suleiman, in the chest and back; we asked for a physician to check Dr Suleiman who suffered short breath; one Israeli female soldier answered: 'You should have thought about his health condition before you attempted to come and break the siege of Gaza'," Khodr said."

Netanyahu: Strutting like a superpower

"It was Bill Clinton who drily observed after meeting the newly elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that "he thinks he is the superpower and we are here to do whatever he requires."

Netanyahu to travel to US to give us his orders to go to war with Iran

"Every time we do something, you [Shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that..... I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Ariel Sharon
Israeli Prime Minister
Knesset, Tel Aviv October 3, 2001


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