Friday, February 06, 2009

Bailout Bought Banksters' Blowjobs

Wall Street CEOs, investment bankers charged prostitutes on corporate cards, madam says

"Wall Street CEOs, lawyers, bankers and media executives chalked up thousands of dollars in prostitution charges on their corporate credit cards -- swiping their cards for $2,000 an hour prostitutes, according to a New York madam who pleaded guilty last year.
Kristin Davis, the madam in question, went public to ABC News this week; ABC will be broadcasting her interview Friday at 10 pm. Davis says she has a list of 9,800 clients, many of whom she says New York prosecutors deliberately avoided when taking her case, even though she offered them her annotated client list.
In what's sure to create a media firestorm parallel to that of when a Washington, DC madam announced that she was publishing her client list (which included at least one senator), Davis' comments come at a time where incredible ire is already focused on Wall Street and banking executives. The pressure for her to release the list will certainly be immense.
But the pressure from New York's finest prosecuting team was nearly zero, Davis said.
"They showed no interest."

This woman better watch her back. Madams who have the goods on elite members of our ruling mob tend to be suicided.

This case has me interested because my sister was one of those high profile "madams", who was busted in the late 80s on the west coast. She was hounded mercilessly, even all the way to the other side of the world, because some of her clients were involved in the infamous savings and loan scandal.
How times have changed.


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