Thursday, February 05, 2009

Let's Just Call It By It's Real Name. Bribery

Report: Bailed out companies spent $114 million on lobbying last year

"Companies in the finance and auto industries that benefited from the $700 billion TARP bailout spent more than $114 million on lobbying in the past year and in contributions toward the 2008 election, according to the center. The companies received more than $300 billion in the taxpayer-funded rescue.
"Even in the best economic times, you won't find an investment with a greater payoff than what these companies have been getting," said Sheila Krumholz, the center's executive director. The company spending the most on lobbying and political donations: Bank of America at $14.5 million. That total also includes political spending by Merrill Lynch, the investment company Bank of America bought last year.
The analysis, along with a chart of the biggest political players and what they received in the bailout, can be found here."


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