Saturday, February 07, 2009

No Truce At All

Israeli aircrafts bomb tunnels in Gaza

"The Israeli military said on Saturday that warplanes had targeted four smuggling tunnels and a weapons depot in Gaza overnight.Several buildings in the area were damaged during the strike, with one structure almost completely destroyed.The military said the strikes late on Friday came in response to rocket fire from Gaza at southern Israel.Gaza militants fired two rockets earlier on Friday, but caused no damage or injuries."

Reading between the lines of official propaganda about the ongoing situation in Gaza is necessary but fairly easy. What we have to remember is that Israel, with one of the world's most powerful militaries and with the unconditional support from the US, has an agenda. They want all the occupied territories and as much of surrounding mideast soil as they can conquer by whatever means necessary. They need all potential adversaries to this cancer crushed, demoralized and fighting amonst themselves. To accomplish all this the ziofascists will feints, distractions, false flag attacks and a whole lot of crimes against humanity.

Nurturing permanent enemies is fascism 101. Creating them is what Israelis do best. So right on cue explosions go off or someone gets kidnapped or rockets fly and the IOF gets the green light for retaliation that was oh so conveniently planned for some time.

The stage is being set for Gaza 2.0 because the zionists aren't yet done with shooting their fish in the world's largest open air concentration camp barrel. Nothing changed in their policy of starving the sickened palestinians by viciously blocking all aid, food and medical supplies. They committed piracy a couple of days ago by seizing an aid ship bound for Gaza. The only way to get needed supplies into that packed prison is through tunnels under the border and the IOF has been busy with them, as in the story above. Rationale for the zio blood orgy throughout has been rocket fire into Israel, so of course whenever they need to blow more arabs into pieces a rocket or two dependably gets lobbed as justification. Funny thing is, the intended recipients of Israeli largesse usually deny doing it:

"Hizbullah denied any involvement in Thursday's attack. On its part, Hamas in Lebanon said it was not behind the rocket attack on northern Israel."

But no matter that it doesn't make sense that Hamas or Hizbullah or anybody with thinking capacity would deliberately bring a rain of fire down on their heads by launching an ineffective and terribly timed missile attack. The fascists have their agenda, rockets provide the excuse to proceed with it, americans buy the propaganda, arabs die and the world does nothing, again.


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