Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Reason Why Bolivia Expelled The US Ambassador

Mission accomplished to rip Kosovo from Serbia, he was sent to cause trouble in La Paz

"He presented his credentials before President Evo Morales on October 13, 2006; but three months before his arrival in Bolivia, when he was still in Pristina fulfilling his role as head of the US mission in Kosovo, it was already being said that the new US ambassador designated by George Bush for this Andean country, Philip Goldberg, would come to take part in the separatist process that was being cultivated in the background to pierce the Bolivian regime. (...)
Before his transfer to Bolivia, Goldberg worked from Kosovo for the separation of the states of Serbia and Montenegro, which occurred in June of last year, as the last remaining aftertaste of the disappearance of Yugoslavia."

Ongoing coup attempt in Bolivia

"On Wednesday, opposition groups in Bolivia blew up part of a natural gas pipeline, vandalized government offices, and threatened to cut off natural gas exports to neighboring Brazil and Argentina. Evo Morales asked for the U.S. Ambassador to be expelled, claiming that he is linked to opposition violence."

The white house criminals seem to be doing their utmost to create as much violence and unrest all over the world as they can. Having their idiot dupe Saakashvili restart the cold war, directing their Ethiopian proxies commit atrocities in Somalia, fomenting revolution in South America, endlessly abetting their racist soulmates in Israel, even dragging the election campaigning down into ever filthier sewage, the fascists are working overtime to make the world as shitty a place as they can.


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