Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Brainwashing Began Early

Seven years ago I hurried home from a trip to the store because I heard some disk jockey mention that a plane had crashed into a WTC tower. I jumped on my computer while my wife was in the living room glued to the TV. I remember about one hour later I yelled to her "Why do they keep repeating the name Bin Laden?"
Actually it sidn't take 14 minutes after the first tower was hit for FOX to start intoning the guy's name over and over again. What they did that morning was to use a very powerful mind control technique. The shock of seeing broken skyscrapers with people leaping to their deaths created a wide open but temporary vulnerability in peoples' psyches that the propagandists took full advantage of to implant what they wanted. In a lot of people they planted the official fairy tale and fed it and watered it for days and weeks after.

9/11 was after all a stage play to sway public opinion, a "new Pearl Harbor" free pass to allow the perpetrators free rein to steal unholy riches and eliminate opposition. They must have worried about the big shock and awe stunt before they pulled it on us on 9/11. Their plans were to saturate us with propaganda about who was to blame for what we were seeing. And a certain scumbag who was in on the plans just couldn't stop himself from blurting out what place Iraq occupied on the fascist's to-do list.

On Morning Of 9/11 Attacks, McCain Immediately Began Making The Case For Iraq War

"On the morning of the 9/11, just moments after the World Trade Center collapsed from the terrorist strikes, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) went on television and immediately began focusing the nation’s attention on Iraq. In an interview with CBS’ Dan Rather on 9/11, McCain said:

To be honest with you, Dan, I never thought that an operation of this sophistication and size would take place. I just never did. But I don’t think there’s any doubt that there are countries — Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea and others — who we know engage in proliferation of — of capabilities and, from time to time, involve themselves in state-sponsored terrorism. But never did we imagine on a scale such as this.

The next day, on 9/12, McCain reiterated the point in an interview with Chris Matthews. “It isn’t just Afghanistan,” he said, “we’re talking about Syria, Iraq, Iran, perhaps North Korea, Libya and others.”
Just a few weeks later — on Oct. 9, 2001 — McCain narrowed his focus, arguing that Iraq was “obviously” next:
PAULA ZAHN: And as you know, Senator, the U.S. and Great Britain notified the U.N. Security Council yesterday that they reserve the right to strike against other countries in this campaign. What countries are we looking at?
MCCAIN: Well, I think very obviously Iraq is the first country, but there are others — Syria, Iran, the Sudan, who have continued to harbor terrorist organizations and actually assist them."

9/11 was a fraud, the "terror war" is a fraud and McBush is a fraud. His job will be to guarantee an endless supply of enemies for endless war, because that's where the money is. Iraq has been a gold mine where he wants to wage war for a hundred years, and he was first out of dock on 9/11 shilling for that conflict when the target audience was most vulnerable to be convinced it should happen.


Blogger spooked said...

McCain is a psycho, truly scary

12/9/08 5:00 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Someone in the know who I can't recall right now said that McCain scared him more than anybody else he'd seen in his life.Couple him with messianic eyed Caribou Barbie and we're in deep, deep trouble.

12/9/08 5:16 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

I had a couple of 9/11 conversations yesterday with folks who still believe in the Osama theory. Sigh... Not wanting to go into some long explanation, I simply said go to the fbi's website,, then find osama on their most wanted list. You won't see him connected with 9/11. I got some looks, but I don't let that bother me anymore. Just do it, I said. If that doesn't prompt them to begin doing some more digging outside of the mainstream, I don't know what will.

12/9/08 11:01 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

They're all psychopaths. Anyone who has the power to reveal the truth and hold those accountable responsible and fails to do so is a psychopath on some level.

12/9/08 11:03 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I have a feeling, neener, we're about to go on a magical mystery tour.

12/9/08 6:06 PM  

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