Thursday, September 11, 2008

What To Expect With This Deranged Xtian Sicko

Palin leaves open option of war with Russia

"FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska (AP) - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin left open the option Thursday of waging war with Russia if it were to invade neighboring Georgia and the former Soviet republic were a NATO ally. "We will not repeat a Cold War," Palin said in her first television interview since becoming Republican John McCain's vice presidential running mate two weeks ago."

This ziofascist stooge is staying on script for the manipulated events in the Caucasus. That whole ugly imbroglio was forced into ocurring because the fascists are ramming NATO right up to Russia's doorstep, and when the criminals ordered their stooge Saakashvili to suddenly murder Russian peacekeepers and unleash his midnight firestorm on the South Ossetian capital, the Russians had to respond.
What happened there was completely manufactured by psychopathic warmongerers intent on using threats of new wars to distract american dullards from total US financial collapse. This insane tool actually opens her piehole and tells the nation we might go to war with a nuclear armed country because because of phony, fabricated events.
I was just watching Charley Gibson lob a few fluffballs her way as she sat with her wide jeebus crazed eyes and she embellished her credentials. According to her, not only is she supremely qualified to hold high office because Alaska happens to sit next door to Russia, but by golly if the air is clear enough you can actually see Russia across the strait, and jeebus is telling her to smite it.


Blogger Regan Lee said...

This woman scares the hell out of me, equally scary is the fact there are people who will vote for. Worse are the ones who "haven't decided yet" --- what the HELL do you MEAN, you haven't decided yet??!!

11/9/08 8:47 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

People truly have no idea of how psychologically diseased the christian fascists are, and what they are capable of doing. We must understand that this woman with the crazed messianic look in her eye represents a movement that could trigger thermonuclear war and think it's god's plan for the world.

12/9/08 12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought Gibson asked some good questions that Palin couldn't answer, and just muddled her way through. She clearly had no idea what the "Bush Doctrine" is. Gibson had to tell her.

Not only do her lies and her religious fanaticism scare me, how uninformed she is scares me.

12/9/08 4:43 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I just watched a vid of that doctrine exchange and I see what you mean, abi.

12/9/08 5:59 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

ANY candidate who talks about their deep abiding faith in Jesus Christ Lord and Savior (or any other religious person deemed the one and only god) is one who is not fit to lead a nation from the perspective of truth and independent thought, for to be under that mindest is to be living an illusion and still in the mind stranglehold of the powers that be and their mind controlling agenda.

12/9/08 11:06 AM  

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