Friday, September 12, 2008

Faux Journalism Phollies

Is CNN Getting Kicked Out of Russia? - Putin may strip CNN of its Russian broadcasting rights after it refused to air a 30 minute exclusive interview he gave the network.

"You probably didn't know that CNN censored Putin for being just too darn sensible. Yep, it's true. About two weeks ago, Putin gave the network an exclusive 30-minute interview. And you know what happened? Nothing. It was never allowed to air. CNN doesn't know it yet, but that decision might have cost them their Russian broadcasting rights."

FOX again covers up the fascist's crimes

"On the night of August 22, the U.S. committed what Chris Floyd, in a richly detailed and amply documented piece, calls an "atrocity" in the Afghan village of Azizabad, near the western city of Herat. The U.S. conducted a massive midnight airstrike on the village, killing scores of unarmed civilians, including large numbers of women and children. That was preceded just weeks earlier by another U.S. airstrike in Eastern Afghanistan which "killed 27 people in a wedding party -- most of them women and children, including the bride."
What makes the Azizabad attack particularly notable is the blatant and now clearly demonstrated lying engaged in by the U.S. Government regarding this incident, with the eager propagandistic assistance of what we are constantly told is the "legitimate news arm" of Fox News -- namely, Brit Hume's show and his stable of "legitimate news reporters." Working in unison, Fox and the Pentagon continuously denied claims that large numbers of civilians had been killed in the airstrike, accusing the villagers of lying and U.N. investigators of having been "duped." But a mountain of documentary evidence and independent investigations have now conclusively confirmed that it was the U.S. Government that was lying and the villagers' claims which were true all along,
forcing the military to "reinvestigate" its own conclusions."

Don't forget the pentagon got it's information about what they'd done from FOX's special embedded reporter - Oliver North.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bush Administration says its all for promoting marriage. And so they bomb the shit out of weddings overseas.

13/9/08 9:56 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Strange, that. I suppose they find people gathered for whatever reason to be a target rich environment, but they seem to have a certain hardon for weddings, that we know about.

14/9/08 2:10 AM  

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