Sunday, June 03, 2007

Gates Warns Turkey Not To Invade Iraq

Sort of. Actually his comments about america's NATO partner were about as tepid as you can make them:

"We hope there would not be a unilateral military action across the border into Iraq," Gates told a news conference after meetings here with Asian government officials. Turkey and Iraq were not represented.
Gates said he sympathized with the Turks' concern about cross-border raids by Kurdish rebels.
"The Turks have a genuine concern with Kurdish terrorism that takes place on Turkish soil," he said. "So one can understand their frustration and unhappiness over this. Several hundred Turks lose their lives each year, and we have been working with the Turks to try to help them get control of this problem on Turkish soil.

Seems to be just lip service to me. Actions spoke louder than words when US forces left the Kurdish portion of northern Iraq on May 30, leaving the area high and dry for a Turkish invasion. Turkey has an army on the border waiting for the green light to go to war with the Kurdish Peshmerga, and things have heated up this morning with a cross border artillery bombardment and a key bridge linking Baghdad and northern Iraq getting blown up.

The Kurds might be a tripwire that the US could exploit to get their war on with Iran, because sizable populations live in all the surrounding countries. Warfare breaking out could bleed across borders with unintended, or intended, consequences. In fact a few days ago Iranian forces killed ten suspected Kurdish militants. With covert operators actively fomenting hostilities in the region anything is possible.


Blogger knainak said...

sure seems like an Iran front will happen, sooner rather than later.
gwbushit can not give up office and let the light of justice into the dark recesses of his mess. War with Iran, drafting the poor who aren't signing up in sufficient numbers, and martial law will soon happen, or at least sure looks like it.
Disgusting evil man this pResident. Evil and sickening. Rah rah rah.

3/6/07 8:45 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Pretty sick times we live in, emald, when we have to try to figure out how the criminal government will start their next war.

3/6/07 9:04 PM  

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