Saturday, June 02, 2007

JFK Superplot!

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planes 'n flags at risk

Still early but the same bullshit pattern is emerging. This is the top story this evening on all the corrupt MSM sites. I don't watch television but I'm confident viewers were given a healthy dose of boogabooga about this as well. I like the blizzard of comical pictures this time meant to drive home the message.

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more planes 'n flags

Seems our tax dollars are being spent to expose these dastardly plots on a regular basis to remind us 'bout that salamifascism and how our betters are looking out for us and on the job!

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grim but determined

This time we're breathlessly told some men with Guyana and Trinidad connections were about to blow up JFK airport and half of Long Island by torching the fuel depot. Trouble with these fictional accounts is that the vicious suspects never get past the planning stage.
"Despite their efforts, the men never obtained any explosives, authorities said."

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train 'n gas! this could be you

These chilling! blockbuster stories seem to come with some regularity (Wonkette gets the prize for best headline - Feds Nix Dix Six) and follow the same format, with some dudes sitting around talking, getting goaded on and in some cases led by undercover agents who supply them with tools, plans and money. Did I mention that skin tone is requisitely dark? This time one of the plotters, by Jeebus, has the horns of Satan.

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This 'plot' may be of interest because of the locations mentioned - Guyana was the setting for the Jonestown mass murder conspiracy and Trinidad is off the coast of Venezuela and is a hotbed of Israeli drug running and intrigue.
I'm sure more information will be forthcoming about this, and after it's exposed as yet another case of fearmongering it'll be shelved just like the other terrifying! cases cracked by our intepid overseers, who can't help crowding the podium to justify their salaries.

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