Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Constant Eradication Of A Good Example

Fascist policies of "Can't Have That" go way back.
Just ask Nicaraguan Sandinistas.

"Arab Spring" is self determination's fall

"The fall of autocratic regimes in the Arab Middle East and North Africa, which had more to do with skyrocketing unemployment and inflation than in a desire to «democratize,» gave the circling vultures of Western «pro-democracy» think tanks and foundations the opportunity to put stakes in the hearts of governing pan-Arab socialist political parties long seen as a threat to the goals of «uber-capitalist» globalization. The Ba’ath socialist party of Saddam Hussein in Iraq was the first victim of a desire by the global forces of extreme capitalism to re-make the Middle East’s financial, demographic, political, and social construct.

Because the invasion and occupation of Iraq was such an unmitigated disaster, the neo-conservative and neo-liberal forces of corporatism decided that other traditional Arab socialist regimes would fall as a result of «soft power.» Soft power involves the use of foreign-funded domestic pressure groups, financed and organized by Western non-governmental organization (NGO) interests, to foment insurrections and «popular revolutions» by using street demonstrations, propagandized media – including social media – and false flag human rights violations intended to generate worldwide sympathy for the manufactured revolutions.

After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq the first action of L. Paul «Jerry» Bremer, the de facto U.S. viceroy of occupied Iraq and close associate of Henry Kissinger, was to abolish the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party. In fact, Bremer’s first order, Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 1, totally banned the Ba’ath Party and all of its affiliated structures. Bremer ensured that pan-Arab socialism was dead in Iraq. Bremer’s propaganda against Ba’athism was supported by his press spokesman, Dan Senor, a longtime supporter of Israel and a former investment portfolio manager for the Carlyle Group.

The Ba’ath Party of Iraq was the principal mechanism through which the Iraqi bureaucracy, which ensured payments of salaries to government workers, operated. Without the Ba’ath Party – public sector infrastructure, Iraqis in all walks of life saw and end to their paychecks. Popular discontent and rebellion against the Western occupiers ensued. An army of U.S. contractors arrived in Iraq to ensure the «de-Ba’athification» of the country, with right-wing Republicans at the forefront of trying to create a capitalist and privatized wonderland in Iraq that would not even sell to the public in the most conservative U.S. state.

Naomi Klein summed up the West’s desire to turn Iraq into a neo-conservative capitalist theme park in her September 2004 article in Harper’s Magazine. Titled «Baghdad year zero: Pillaging Iraq in pursuit of a neocon utopia,» Klein wrote, «A country of 25 million would not be rebuilt as it was before the war; it would erased, disappeared . . . Every policy that liberates multinational corporations to pursue their quest for profit would be put into place: a shrunken state, a flexible workforce, open borders. Minimal taxes, no tariffs, no ownership restrictions . . . Two months after the war began, USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) began drafting a work order, to be handed to a private company, to oversee Iraq’s «transition to a sustainable market-driven economic system.» The company that received the contract was Bearing Point, the follow-on firm of the accountancy firm KPMG. KPMG and USAID are also linked closely to U.S. intelligence operations."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like the Arab Spring began with a false flag operation in Tunisia.

- Aangirfan

8/3/12 9:30 AM  

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