Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Open Letter To The "Oathkeepers"

Oathkeepers - " an American association that purports to be concerned with upholding the principles of the U.S. Constitution..."

You know, I have a confession to make. When I first heard of you I equated you with the Promise Keepers, a bunch of morally posturing troglodytes who wear their self proclaimed allegiance to something supposedly bigger and better right there on their sleeves.

Well, you know something? I wasn't too far off.

Your organization started in March, 2009. Where the fuck were you and your constitution love during the previous nine years of the constitution shredding Bush mob criminality? Did you only get your dick hard when some bloviating AM radio shitbags started ranting about the socialists that are occupying Washington? News Flash, Einsteins. The current crew is no different than the former criminals, they only happen to have a D associated with them instead of an R.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing to do with the zionist Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center who thinks you're a bunch of potential right wing terrorists. I think they're a bunch of hypocritical shitbags and that's exactly what I think of you.

Guess what, fools - the internal enemies have been here for years and you're the servile drones who make sure they can get away with their dirty work. Fat load of fucking good you're doing, pretending now that at some point you'll maybe think of starting to disobey orders when the mood comes over you, while for years during the Bush mob everything you're railing against happened, in spades, and you were the drones that enabled it. I really don't want to go here but it has to be said. Is all your sudden noise because there's a nigger in the white house?

It's as plain as the uniform on your back. To be honest, I think the Oathkeepers is a bullshit front, a phony gatekeeping, brownshirt bunch of liars. You're all trash talk and no game, cops and soldiers. Go ahead and pretend all want while you collect your pay from the fascists, lickspittles, a warmongering dictatorship is already here and you're part of the fucking problem.

"Oathkeepers". Just like the "Promise Keepers". Another phony mind controlled bullshit front.


Blogger Nina said...

i wonder if the guy i saw "debating" with chris matthews was a member of this group. he was some constitutional lawyer--part of a group of people defending the constitution. overall i applauded what he said and yet i remained suspicious for he was clearly missing the mark about where we are TODAY instead talking about today as being in the future. plus there was no mentioning of the previous 8 years.

anyway....wouldn't surprise me. many of these white power types are just now rising up and saying HEY re: the constitution...and like you said--where were they 8 years ago (or hell--40 years ago?) gotta be as you said--we have a black man in office. these dudes are as insane as those behind the curtain - their agenda having nothing to do w/the constitution.

21/10/09 9:32 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

We really have to be careful about misdirection in these perilous times. I'm suspicious as hell of these johnny-come-lately patriots, especially since they're fine still doing the dirty work abroad and at home. It's like their patriotism relies on who's in charge and they all of a sudden get all constitutional when the wrong crew is in power.

I'm no fan of the Obama administration but I'm starting to hate being in the same camp on that as people who can switch their allegiances and morals on and off when it suits them.

And here's the really fucked part. Because the O administration is basically Bush's third term in that he's absolutely pursuing the same agenda, the only reason these anti establishment types suddenly found voices now is that there's a black democrat in the white house.

21/10/09 11:50 PM  
Anonymous nick z said...

It's like the "corporate-paid" political science analysts determined (behind closed doors) that "constitutionalism" was the big mindset for catching the public's ear now and so they found just the right people (hard-bent military-drones), formed an org and funded it, and called the major news nets to start the campaign rolling.

Of course, if the public falls for these phonies, one of them is more than likely going to get to play the big politician and if elected, we'll get more of the same hypocritical bs unkept promises and lies.

Not only will this be too little too late, it won't really be anything but more of the same corporate deception.

22/10/09 8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A comment here not on the topic, but on the very effective "voice" in which your rant was delivered.

I follow your blog faithfully and, reading this entry, was convinced that it was something to which you'd linked. But no...

Way to go Pig! (you may want to look into some kind of pirate radio rig someday...that could be fun!)

~ km artlu

22/10/09 11:00 AM  
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1/11/18 1:21 AM  

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