Get Set For The Big Con
Preparing the Cover Story for the Theft of the Election
"Two weeks to go and the machine is starting to prepare the narrative for how it is possible that John McCain won the 2008 Presidential election. With every poll showing an Obama lead of anywhere from 10-14 points for the past few weeks, suddenly today the Associated Press announced a new poll that shows the race in a dead heat. Nonsense. With the backdrop of the Kennedy-Palast reporting on how the GOP has already started the systematic theft of the election this poll today is just the coverage they need to pretend that the results of a McCain victory will be legitimate. If McCain does indeed go on to steal the election, no doubt his supporters will point to this bogus poll to refute the other polls."
"Two weeks to go and the machine is starting to prepare the narrative for how it is possible that John McCain won the 2008 Presidential election. With every poll showing an Obama lead of anywhere from 10-14 points for the past few weeks, suddenly today the Associated Press announced a new poll that shows the race in a dead heat. Nonsense. With the backdrop of the Kennedy-Palast reporting on how the GOP has already started the systematic theft of the election this poll today is just the coverage they need to pretend that the results of a McCain victory will be legitimate. If McCain does indeed go on to steal the election, no doubt his supporters will point to this bogus poll to refute the other polls."
I'm trying to stay positive but I was glad, in a disheartening sort of way, to see this post -- I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. As Tim Robbins just said tonight on the Bill Maher (sic) show, let's not get too comfortable.
No doubt, nolo. Although, we can't rule out that the PTB are putting this election in the bag for Obama, either. He's not exactly a flaming radical and might well be a smoother leader for their goals.
Glad you are still posting! Nothing would surprise me with this election and what is so strange is that it should be a landslide for Obama. Thanks also for the article below about the creeping fascism. Best wishes as always!-Devin
10 years ago I would have laughed at the paranoia. Now I call it realism.
Time Monks aka say that "the presidential election won't be decided for some months past November. A lot of confusion, beyond that of the 2000 presidential election. Possible there will be no election. It will take a while to work itself out."
Great comments all.
Obama has mouthed all the soothing words for the PTB, and has certainly shown due fealty to Israel, but I suspect the Bushista faction doesn't trust him enough to hand over the baton of power. My guess is that even with all the polls showing McBush way behind, they'll flip enough votes to sqeak The Most Insulting Ticket In History to another bogus win. But that's just one guy's opinion, I could be very wrong since we only see the tip of the iceberg.
pteranodon - I heard that too. Tell me if you will, how did the TimeMonks explain the seeming non event from earlier this month that they forecast as a life changing thing? Did they call the market meltdown the event they had predicted? I was somewhat busy to catch that.
Yes, the market meltdown began to show then. And what could change life more than that? They have always said that it could be a small event that cascades. They said about 40 or 50 percent economic, 40 percent military and the rest natural. So the military aspect remains to be seen. The strong release language will continue until mid-March.
I enjoy reading George A. Ure's free daily business update at, and keep myself and friends updated about things to come.
As far as I remember, George Ure wrote that essentially on Tuesday Oct. 7: (1) Iceland went to bankruptcy, and (2) the world realized that the bankster bailout won't help. But they have a window of plus minus a couple of days. Often their date has been a day or two early.
Anyway, if George and Cliff High are right, we will have a grim year ahead.
Urban Survival was and will be again one of my daily reads.
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