Thursday, December 06, 2007

These Shootings Always Beg More Questions

One thing we can count on with these events is that the reprehensible MSM will go for emotional string pulling at the expense of everything else. Sensational, shallow reportage rules the roost while we're left with questions that go unanswered with the media hustling off to the next big event or celebrity gossip.

We get this picture of Hawkins, the supposed shooter:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

and this description - "The Omaha World-Herald reported that the gunman had a military-style haircut and a black backpack, and wore a camouflage vest." OK, so the photo may not have been recent. Reports also say he used an SKS rifle or an "AK47 variant" that he smuggled into the mall under his sweatshirt. I'm very familiar with SKS rifles, without modifications they're well over 3 feet long and with high capacity magazines he wouldn't have been able to conceal it.
ABC has a supposed 911 call that has rifle fire on it, but no voice. The shots do sound like the 7.62x39 round the SKS fires but who would make an emergency call without at least whispering information? OK, so the caller was scared.

Then there's this curious paragraph that was in many reports:
"One witness told KETV that she saw bodies and blood in a store. Another said she saw a tall gunman in the children's department of a department store. She said he was a tall man, holding his arm up in the air and firing."
Every report that carried that paragraph has now deleted it. Googling it brings up the report but without that sentence. It implies a somewhat different man firing a handgun, not a rifle. OK, so the witness isn't familiar with firearms.
Inital accounts also contain two inconsistent statements - that the gunman killed himself and the police were searching for the weapon. Excuse me, but wouldn't it be laying right by the body?

It's come out that the alleged shooter spent four years in state care.
"Robert Hawkins was a ward of the state of Nebraska from September of 2002 to August of 2006. He spent time in treatment centers, foster homes and group homes."
They spent a quarter million dollars and couldn't foresee any problems in dismissing him. What exactly were they doing with him? OK, so medical personnel aren't soothsayers.

And who the hell was this guy?
Photo Shows Man In Handcuffs

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

"Earlier, police said a young black man was being sought as the suspected shooter. A description of the shooter, broadcast over scanners, was that he was in an Army-green vest and was holding a rifle. The viewer's photo showed a young black man in fatigues surrounded by police and apparently in handcuffs. Police have not yet confirmed an arrest. It was reported by KETV crews that the man in fatigues was found under a bus bench."

Then there's the report at WhatDoesItMean, claiming that Russian services picked up some interesting radio chatter:
"FSB reports circulating in the Kremlin this morning are detailing a shocking gun battle that took place in the United States between American Secret Service Agents and an ‘unknown’ number of what are believed to be 3 ‘highly trained, military type’ sniper units in a suburban mall in Omaha, Nebraska."

The coverage of shooting events should always be taken with a large grain of salt. A lot of them are psyops designed to fit in with an agenda, part of the war the fascists are waging for our minds. One of these events was the murder spree that was blamed on the "beltway snipers" in late 2002. We were supposed to believe that a guy shot a rifle out of a little hole in the trunk of a car with deadly precision over great distances. That episode came to a halt with Chief Moose announcing to the world that it was all an insider job with his "duck in a noose" press briefing.

Another shooting that after some investigation turned out to be a government psyop was the Tasmanian Port Arthur shooting in 1996. Lots of bodies in that one, with all the victims supposedly gunned down with uncanny accuracy by an intellectually impaired young man with no training. There's a lesson for us to be learned from that incident. Shortly after the massacre, capitalizing on the waves of disgust over the deaths, the Austalian government passed sweeping and strict anti gun laws which effectively disarmed the citizenry. After every one of these shootings there are always the predictable calls for firearm confiscation, and that became reality for yet another country in 1996. Is that going to happen to us here?


Blogger spooked said...

Good post. These types of incidents are always weird, especially with the fact that Bush was in town the same day.

You might be interested in this article which has a security camera video still photo supposedly of the shooter:

7/12/07 6:19 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

"especially IN THIS CASE with the fact that Bush was in town the same day."

7/12/07 6:20 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

"Bush was in town the same day."
I have personal experience that when Bush comes to town very bad things happen. He went to central Oregon several years ago to speechify promoting intense logging to help prevent forest fires, at the same time a very suspicious and intense forest fire broke out in three places under two weeks of balmy weather.
I also have personal experience with AK47s and have questions with that picture if that is what the weapon is supposed to be. I have a lot of questions with the whole episode, spooked.

8/12/07 8:08 PM  

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