Sunday, December 02, 2007

In The Police Station, Already Handcuffed

from TruthNews

"Tasers occupy a strange place in the police rulebook,” notes Peter Gorman, writing for the Fort Worth Weekly. “Law enforcement officers learn what is called a ‘use of force continuum’ to determine what means or weapons they may use in different situations. The ‘continuum’ begins with simple police presence, then moves up to issuing commands, then the use of open hands, and after that, pepper or other chemical sprays, closed hands (including elbows and knees and other takedown moves), the use of a hard baton, and finally, the use of lethal force.”

You might think Tasers would fit somewhere near the “lethal force” end of that list, right before a gun. Instead, however, many police agencies place Tasers immediately after the “issuing commands” force level — which suggests to officers that using a Taser is less serious even than a push or pepper spray. Which also means that if an officer asks you to produce your driver’s license and you ask “Why?” rather than immediately complying with the order, there’s a chance, in some jurisdictions, that you could, within their rules, be hit with a Taser for refusing the command. That’s in part how Tasers have begun to be used, not as serious, life-threatening weapons, but as a bully’s tool of compliance, something to get people in line — with sometimes egregious consequences."

Cops these days see everybody else as potential perps who are guilty until they prove themselves innocent. It's a widespread, "us against them" attitude that's barrelling straight down the highway towards a fascist police state. Taking their cue from Dim Son and his henchmen the cops think pre-emptive violence is a normal way of doing business. Couple that with the ultra hi tech weaponry at their disposal and we're seeing an astronomical rise in casual torture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's beginning to look a lot like TORTURE....

4/12/07 1:38 AM  

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