Sunday, July 08, 2007

It's Now Officially IraqNam

Top Commander Expects Big Iraq Strikes

"BAQOUBA, Iraq (AP) -- Sunni extremists may try a series of high-profile attacks ahead of a September report to Congress on progress in Iraq, the top U.S. commander said Saturday, recalling the Tet offensive that torpedoed support for the Vietnam War.
''We expect they will try this -- pull off a variety of sensational attacks and grab the headlines to create a `mini-Tet,''' Gen. David Petraeus told The Associated Press.
The 1968 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Tet offensive failed to achieve most of its tactical goal but it shattered political support for the Vietnam War among the U.S. public

The puffed chest hubris of war criminals like Petraeus boggles the imagination. It's all about us. It's all about what impression they can make on americans as if fighting for their freedom from foreign occupiers never entered into the equation. But he's right in one sense to compare Dune to 'Nam.

Iraq is unquestionably getting worse by the day, by the hour. Covert forces were busy slaughtering innocents over the weekend with roving death squads and explosions so massive that the dead can't be adequately counted. Oil pipelines are getting blown up. American door kickers are busting through neighborhoods arresting and killing anybody who opposes them in an attempt to impose docility and submission. Of course, any Iraqi who disapproves of this is immediately labelled "Al Qaeda" and any Iraqi, man woman or child, who flings his or her body at american ordnance is automatically and posthumously branded a terrorist.

I'm sure there are lots of scholarly tomes that will compare this filthy endeavor to that other corporate war in the jungles of southeast Asia. In the initial stages of this occupation references to Vietnam were derided but now the comparison is slipping into official policy. You older farts, seem familiar? Notice the proliferation of anonymous body counts? Isolated and increasingly sick war criminals who seemingly want to break the military? Endless, pointless debate as people's lives are ruined and the occupation grinds on day after day?

Deranged authoritarian troglodytes point to the so-called liberal media for losing the Vietnam war, as if showing the fighting on the evening news and asking questions zapped the public will to 'finish the job'. Maybe it did help somewhat to end the carnage to be reminded of the bloody mayhem with their burgers, but that's not what really turned the people against the war. Today the brownshirts are doing it again and accusing the media of concentrating on the negativity and ignoring the positive side of Conquest. You see, it's really traitors like the Associated Press, the NYT and now blogs who make us lose wars.

And it's all bullshit. The military doesn't want you to know the the full story of what's happening in Iraq. They've even cut down the number of compromised and puppyish embedded journos to nearly zero. It's not just the military that's cutting off news from Iraq, journalists are threatened from all sides. Information is heavily censored from the country - google "news from iraq" and virtually every source is military. The corrupted news anchors nightly recite the government and military propaganda without hesitation, never questioning the pro war spin, with even a sudden rebranding of who's fighting us smoothly accomplished from one day to the next. You can't even get our soldiers' take on what's happening - blogs and emails have to be cleared first. No, aside from bloody events we don't know squat about what's happening in Iraq. This stonewalling contrasts with the transparency of Vietnam, yet the two conflicts share something important.

Support for Vietnam declined and support for this war crime bullshit is plummeting because the people grow to hate the war mongering scum. Their endless lying, their savage policies and shameless profiteering are all that people see when they show their miserable faces and open their pieholes. Aside from authoritarian bootlickers and braindead Pox watchers, decent americans despise this criminal crew of murderous psychopaths. It's not just disagreement but flat out hatred for them and it's growing every day, and this time we don't need a "little Tet" to turn on their sorry asses for what they've done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice rant. This bloody push in the ME by US Empire is much worse than Vietnam, from what I've been hearing and reading. It's an Xtian Zionist and Jewish Zionist crusade and the plan is religious genocide of all Muslims.

The right-wing fascist-imperialists don't want to settle for another loss like Vietnam, and they're willing to sacrifice everything except their own multi-million dollar estates to get what they want this time.

We need to undumb the rest of the zombies in Bush country, make them realize that the right-wing fascists are the real enemy, that their push for US Empire is all wrong.

The propaganda-machine needs to be taken down first. The common people need to retake CNN and take out Faux, for starts.

N. Z.

9/7/07 9:25 AM  

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