Friday, July 06, 2007

Al-Qaeda, the Eternal Covert Operation

British "Terror" Incident latest Product of "War on Terror" Propaganda
by Larry Chin at Global Research

"It is a well-established and deliberately unaddressed historical fact that the CIA created "radical Islam" and Islamic "terrorism" during the Cold War. It is also a documented fact that the US, its allies, and their intelligence agencies (CIA, Pakistan’s ISI, Britain’s MI-6, etc.) have -- from the 1970s to the present day -- continued to use and guide terrorist groups, including "Al-Qaeda," as intelligence and propaganda assets. "Islamic terrorism" is a manufactured weapon of Western geostrategy, serving Anglo-American interests.
Planned covert operations and false flag operations using "terrorists" in direct and indirect military-intelligence roles are of imperial design. Such operations (exemplified by 9/11), and their predictable propaganda results ("the war on terrorism") are now routine events."

You can't stress this strongly enough. When these manufactured events happen the Lamestream press goes into overdrive as mouthpieces for the fascist agenda, blaming the patsies and whipping up hatred and fear.

Look at what happened when a few cars didn't explode and another rammed a garbage pile. Let me repeat that - a couple of cars failed to explode and another burned up, killing no one. MSM couldn't get enough of the story and it was rammed down our throats ad nauseum. Meanwhile, the filthy occupation continued in Iraq with speculation that oh, 10,000 Iraqis a month are slaughtered by americans.
And the phony, manufactured "Al Qaeda" are the terrorists?


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