Friday, July 06, 2007

Lies, Damn Lies And Pentagon Numbers

It's part of a despicable pattern of lies and deceit streaming out of the White House and Pentagon, a blatant attempt to shield the bad news from the world that only exposes contempt for their own soldiers. What else can you call forcing them to suffer and die for nothing in a known lethal radioactive environment? What else can you call covering up their sacrifice and sneaking their remains home in the dead of night? What else besides contempt for soldiers do you call the Walter Reed bullshit?

Pentagon Understates War Casualties, Says Veterans Group

"The Pentagon is intentionally underreporting US casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a recent report by veterans' advocacy group Veterans for Common Sense.
The Pentagon's most recent public reports, which can be found in the media, say that 3,587 US troops have been killed and 26,350 have been wounded in Iraq. In Afghanistan, says the Pentagon, 403 US troops have been killed since 2001, and 1,342 have been wounded. Thus, the Pentagon's public accounting gives the impression that there have been less than 32,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan. But documents obtained by Veterans for Common Sense through Freedom of Information Act requests reveal the number of casualties to be much higher.
According to these documents, as of June 30, 2007, US casualties in Afghanistan totaled closer to 7,500 (killed, wounded, injured, and medically evacuated). In Iraq, the total is almost 58,000. Altogether, the report shows that US casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq, between 2001 and June 30, 2007, total 65,278. There is a difference between the Pentagon's publicized casualty reports and reality of almost 34,000."

I think even these numbers are very wrong. Missing from the figures are the special forces whose very existence remains classified. Also not counted are the hired mercenaries contractors who even outnumber US soldiers on the ground in each country. They've been lying from day one in Afghanistan to the present. They lied through their teeth about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman and who knows how many more. Don't even bother to ask about Iraqi and Afghani civilians. And it's all meant to cover up the horror of their filthy endeavors.

The propagandists fix the numbers with bookkeeping fraud as well as outright lies. Death by accidents, say speeding to a firefight, aren't combat deaths. Dying later from complications isn't a combat death. Suicides from combat related PTSD aren't combat deaths. And believe me, not one depleted uranium sickness and death will ever be attributed to deployment and combat. Just business as usual from the scumbags who stonewalled about Agent Orange and Gulf War Syndrome.


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