Saturday, May 26, 2007

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- Golden Arches Tired Of Being Dissed
- Gigantic Rats Threaten Florida
- Fowl Fouls First Featherbrain
- New Cia Comic Book Found
- Greg Palast May Have Karl Rove's Missing Emails
- Meet The Swastika Building
- Another American Occupied Country To Produce Opium
- Dollar Becomes Even More Unpopular
- Just A Rumor At This Point
- Go ahead and make it 89%
i've often wondered why both concepts can't be embraced--the idea that there is some intelligence (that we're all a part of) that created physical life on earth billions of years ago--and that the intention was what we know as evolution.
i'm cool with the idea that some part of me once lived in the ocean. i mean who among us hasn't had that experience of "home" or "familiarity" when we look out on the ocean?
I agree - both concepts are intertwined - the idea that they differ is an illusion meant to keep us deaf, dumb and clueless. Why shouldn't The Infinite include evolution?
Wouldn't it be funny to see the fundies' heads explode if it came out that god was some critter from Sirius B?
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