Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Messages To Lebanon

Israeli children urged to write messages on bombs.

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Messages received by Lebanese children.

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Blogger LesleyinNM said...

Having children involved in war is just completely sick and twisted!

19/7/06 2:10 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

It shocked me that yahoo would actually have published those pics of Israeli kids as if it were just a run of the mill photo project. Are we supposed to leave our good sense and judgement at the door where Israel is concerned? Why is Israel so special that we're supposed to look at that horror and approve?

19/7/06 5:21 PM  
Blogger LesleyinNM said...

It isn't just Israel, I feel the same way when I see children with suicide belts or guns. The problem with people is they separate, not OK for Muslim children to be involved with violence and war, but perfectly OK if they are Israeli children. Having children involved with such horror and violence in not OK, no matter who they are.

20/7/06 2:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

12/8/06 6:27 AM  

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