Monday, May 16, 2011

Endless Conflict For Endless Profits

Say hello to totalitarianism.

Congress To Vote On Declaration of Worldwide Perpetual War; No Borders, No Clear Enemies

"The legislation authorizes the President of the United States to take unilateral military action against all nations, organizations, and persons -- both domestically and abroad -- who are alleged to be currently,(or in the past) engaged in hostilities, or who have provided aid in support of hostilities against the United States or any of its coalition allies.

The legislation removes the requirement of Congressional approval for the use of military force and instead gives the President totalitarian dictatorial authority to engage in any and all military actions for an indefinite period of time.

It even authorizes the President the authority to launch attacks against American citizens inside the United States with no Congressional oversight whatsoever.

Just to recap, because that was a mouthful:

Endless War – The war will continue until all hostilities are terminated, which will never happen.
No Borders – The president will have the full authority to launch military strikes against any country, organization or person, including against U.S citizens on U.S soil.
Unilateral Military Action – Full authority to invade any nation at any time with no congressional approval required.
No Clearly Defined Enemy – The US can declare or allege anyone a terrorist or allege they are or have been supporting “hostilities” against the US and attack at will.
Authorization To Invade Several Countries – The president would have full authority to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea, along with several other nations in Africa and the Middle East and even Russia and China under the legislation all of which are “known” to have supported and aided hostilities against the United States.

The American Civil Liberties Union writes:

New Authorization of Worldwide War Without End?
Congress may soon vote on a new declaration of worldwide war without end, and without clear enemies. A “sleeper provision” deep inside defense bills pending before Congress could become the single biggest hand-over of unchecked war authority from Congress to the executive branch in modern American history.

President Obama has not sought new war authority. In fact, his administration has made clear that it believes it already has all of the authority that it needs to fight terrorism.

But Congress is considering monumental new legislation that would grant the president – and all presidents after him – sweeping new power to make war almost anywhere and everywhere. Unlike previous grants of authority for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the proposed legislation would allow a president to use military force wherever terrorism suspects are present in the world, regardless of whether there has been any harm to U.S. citizens, or any attack on the United States, or any imminent threat of an attack. The legislation is broad enough to permit a president to use military force within the United States and against American citizens. The legislation contains no expiration date, and no criteria to determine when a president’s authority to use military force would end.

Of all of the powers that the Constitution assigns to Congress, no power is more fundamental or important than the power “to declare War.” That is why, in 2002, when Congress was considering whether to authorize war in Iraq, it held fifteen hearings, and passed legislation that cited specific harms, set limits, and defined a clear objective. Now, Congress is poised to give unchecked authority to the executive branch to use military force worldwide, with profoundly negative consequences for our fundamental democratic system of checks and balances. Once Congress expands the president’s war power, it will be nearly impossible to rein it back in. The ACLU strongly opposes a wholesale turnover of war power from Congress to the president – and all of his successors."


Anonymous Nz said...

Considering 95 percent of Congress are known to be big war-profiteers this looks obviously like another selfish piece of fascist legislation to line their own pockets and set them up like royalty in the new American Empire.

They have also become so arrogant and disrespectful towards real American democracy (of, by and for the people), that they probably think they can pass anything they want and the little people won't be able to stop them.

They should all be taken out and shot for being anti-American traitors to the US Constitution and the United States government.

16/5/11 9:53 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

It's completely out of control at this point.

17/5/11 8:13 PM  

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