Saturday, May 14, 2011

Boobs Drank The Kool-Aid

You have to wander who they poll to get numbers like this.

Poll: Obama's Approval Rating Hits Two-Year High

"Fully six in ten Americans now approve of President Obama's job performance, according to an AP poll released Wednesday morning, the highest level recorded in their surveys in exactly two years.

In addition, the poll showed the president's reelection prospects getting a boost too, as it found that more Americans now think Obama deserves to be reelected than the percentage who said the same two months ago.

In the poll, 60% of respondents said they approved of Obama's job performance, compared to 39% who disapproved. That's the best rating Obama has received since May 2009 when, riding high after his inauguration, 64% of Americans approved of his job performance."

What kind of job performance can a president have, to get polled on it just after an inauguration?

After all the broken promises, more wars and new wars, standing idly by while trillions are shovelled to the rich, continuing and doubling down on the Bush mob's deeply fascist policies, with a CIA in full 1950s style destabilization rampage around the world, allowing BP to exterminate life in the gulf with the EPA halting it's radiation monitoring, allowing the telecommunications to run wild and not saying a word as Israel murders american citizens in cold blood, I guess having your stooges illegally invade a sovereign country and supposedly murder people in cold blood is reason for a check in the little approval box. But I guess the dupes forgot that when the Nobel Peace Laureate reserves the right to murder anyone at any time, that includes american citizens.

Call him Bushama


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