Friday, September 03, 2010

NATO Is Becoming Inconsistent

It wasn't a wedding party that they slaughtered.

NATO Planes Kill 10 Campaign Workers

"Just two days ago Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was publicly condemning the killing of five election workers by militants in the Herat Province, insisting that the security of such workers must be assured at all cost in the name of a “democratic future.” She insisted that those responsible “must be brought to justice.
The attitude from the US was quite a bit different today, when NATO warplanes in the northern Takhar Province attacked a convoy of aid workers themselves, killing 10 of them and wounding a parliamentary candidate.

The killing was particularly inopportune for Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who had just arrived in Afghanistan in the wake of the strike to meet with President Hamid Karzai. Gates claimed during the conference that this was “the first I had heard that civilians have been killed,” but Karzai was visibly angry during much of the press conference and the killings appear to have risen tensions considerably.

NATO has been dramatically escalating the number of air strikes in Afghanistan and it seems to be coming with a similar increase in high profile civilian killings. NATO initially praised today’s attack as a “precision air strike” against a “known Taliban commander.” The district governor mocked the claim, noting that “a Taliban commander does not travel in a 100-vehicle convoy.”



Blogger michael tew said...

1 - Fill a child's head with lies, convince him that the noble, beautiful and free United States of America is being threatened by wierd psychopathic supermen who can bring down tall buildings with a single plane, and then present him with TV images which may or may not be said psychopathic wierdos and invite him to press a kill button, just like the one he pressed a million times during video "gaming" with his buddies.

2 - Pretend to give a fuck when innocent civilians die.

3 - After sufficient training and skills development in conflict, bring child back to the United States and give him a job as a peace officer.

4 - Repeat until all the earth is hell.

4/9/10 8:29 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

You got it. It's astounding how many ex military go into policing. My stepson did, but he's a good man who was so repulsed he switched to search and rescue.
There has to be a correllation between those damaged minds and the increase in psycho cop behavior.

4/9/10 5:20 PM  

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