Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Perfect Little Fascist Police State Psychos

Lying children will grow up to be successful citizens - The earlier a child starts telling convincing lies the more likely they are to be a success in later life, new research suggests.

"Researchers have found that the ability to tell fibs at the age of two is a sign of a fast developing brain and means they are more likely to have successful lives.
They found that the more plausible the lie, the more quick witted they will be in later years and the better their abiliy to think on their feet.

It also means that they have developed "executive function" - the ability to invent a convincing lie by keeping the truth at the back of their mind.
“Parents should not be alarmed if their child tells a fib,” said Dr Kang Lee, director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto Universit who carried out the research.
“Almost all children lie. Those who have better cognitive development lie better because they can cover up their tracks. They may make bankers in later life.”
Lying involves multiple brain processes, such as integrating sources of information and manipulating the data to their advantage.
It is linked to the development of brain regions that allow “executive functioning” and use higher order thinking and reasoning."


Anonymous nick z said...

Actually, I can personally confirm some of these conclusions, but i wouldn't promote it as if it were positively functional, it isn't. It's quite dysfunctional and leads to all kinds of problems.

You see, I had a step-brother who learned to lie when he was very young. He did do it fairly well, but I'm quite sure that the favoritism my step-father had for him helped him get away with most of it, at least during our youth.

He lied quite a lot about me, it turned out, behind my back most of the time, and threatened me whenever I challenged him on it. He did manage to go far with his lying, and did quite a lot of damage to my life in the process.

I can personally attest to the fact that such lying is very dysfunctional and makes victims of innocent people. I, for one, am a victim of my lying step-brother and all of the people who chose to support his lies and spread them about carelessly.

Yes, it's true, people who know how to lie well can profit from it, I'm sure many of us are aware of this fact by now. But the dysfunctional toll upon society and innocent people's lives is something that can only eventually lead to what we also now recognize as blowback and complications that have a tendency to bite the liars in the ass later in life.

20/5/10 5:12 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Yow, thank you for that nick.
I had a girlfriend decades ago who had a sister who was an inveterate liar for some reason. She was quite attractive, which probably helped people to overlook all her bullshit, but it was amazing to me how she couldn't help just, lie all the time.

I glommed onto this article because it fits right into a truism that's too overlooked in our society's pathology. The more you decide to invest your life's energy in manipulating others and engaging in falsehood, the more you'll be a "success" that will be rewarded. A very sick existence indeed.

20/5/10 4:59 PM  

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