Thursday, February 11, 2010

Poosibly The First Time It's Been Recorded

Storm could mean snow on ground in all 50 states

"OKLAHOMA CITY — An Oklahoma forecaster is predicting an unusual weather phenomenon — snow on the ground in all 50 states at the same time.
Patrick Marsh, who works at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Severe Storms Laboratory, says a winter storm passing through the southern U.S. Thursday and early Friday is predicted to leave measureable snowfall in the Deep South, including parts of the Florida Panhandle.
A winter storm warning is in effect in the region.
Marsh says he's trying to collect photos of snow on the ground from all 50 states.
He says he's unsure if such a weather phenomenon has ever occurred before. A spokesman for the National Climatic Data Center didn't immediately return messages left Thursday."

Not surprising since the National Climatic Data Center has been accused of manipulating weather data in the same way as the now-disgraced and under-investigation University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit.

There's a pretty good series here about the global warming business, and I mean business literally.

I've got to say that I've turned 180 degrees from what I believed just a few years ago. I watched Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and got alarmed. I listened to plenty of people who said man's activities were ruining the environment and were catastrophic for the future. The green progressive in me resonated with all that talk. It fit with my world view that smokestacks billowing pollutants and greedy capitalists were destroying the atmosphere and should be stopped. I believed that money and blind, iresponsible power were again on one side and green truth was on the other.

It was easy to take sides that way and it wasn't easy to eventually see behind what was being presented and change my opinion, because I cannot stand to ever be on the same side of a debate with rightwing, so called conservatives. They automatically embrace anything that opposes political adversaries and truly are sick wacko whores. So it very much pained me to understand that some of the things they embraced, if only because of hatred of the Al Gores of the world, actually were interesting and had merit.

What got to me was how heavily invested certain powerful groups are in convincing us our activities are causing climate change, and what they stand to gain from directing policy. Along with corrupted data, things didn't smell right.

Then it hit. Our overlords are a manipulative, sneaky bunch who always stay a few moves ahead of us in this chess game. They know the entire solar system, from Sun to Pluto and beyond, is going through immense change. All the planetary atmospheres are in flux as if the whole neighborhood is traveling through an intense energy field. Without getting into procession of the equinox and the galactic plane, I'm assuming our would be betters know a whole lot more about natural earth changes to come than we do, and are looking to capitalize on them. I have a feeling their Cap and Trade nonsense and the whole spiced data business is just flim flam, sort of like the white guy about to be burned at the stake, wowing the natives with pre knowledge of a solar eclipse.



Blogger Nina said...

yep, this whole thing is smoke and mirrors in action. when i first had my "a ha" moment and began discussing the contrary pov, i was automatically accused of being a right-wing republican and/or an oil-industry supporter. the truth of the matter is, tossing in the oil industry to challenge the human-caused climate change was to keep the truth hidden by creating a division between the two sides. the ptb know human behavior quite well and rely on it to keep the agenda spinning. given there is AMPLE evidence that is certainly no longer hidden that shows the entire solar system, as you said, is undergoing huge climate changes, there is absolutely no reason for people to still be falling for the human-caused theory.

but being it is human behavior to hold onto one's pov even in the face of contrary evidence, well the debating continues.

14/2/10 11:25 AM  

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