Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Orwell Was A Prophet

Brit children recruited to snoop on neighbors

"Child spies will be encouraged to report their neighbours as part of the latest drive to cut thuggery and anti-social behaviour on estates.
As part of a campaign launched yesterday, youngsters will look for residents with untidy or litter-strewn surroundings and then try to persuade them to clean up their homes.
Children involved should also write to authorities to demand action against those whose houses are labelled anti-social, ministers recommended.

Using young people to target residents identified as letting the neighbourhood down ‘teaches the children a sense of pride’ and shows them they have the power to get things done, the Department of Communities and Local Government said.
But critics warned that anti-social behaviour on estates is routinely committed by children and recruiting school-age youngsters to report their neighbours is a recipe for intimidation.
‘A plan like this can easily be milked by young people,’ criminologist Dr David Green of the Civitas think-tank said. ‘I worry that it would become a licence for children to harass people.’
The child spy scheme was launched by Communities Secretary John Denham and Home Secretary Alan Johnson, who called for ‘an army of community champions to challenge anti-social behaviour’."

Speed cameras, DNA database, nudie X-ray scanners, spy planes, rummaging through garbage bins, millions of CCTV cameras and you can bet the farm microchipping is next. Great Britain is a hellhole of intrusion, a police state nightmare. Recruiting kids to snoop on neighbors and rat them out to authorities is only meant for one thing - to indoctrinate children at an early age to expect this invasive shit for the rest of their Stasi - polluted lives.

But two things are guaranteed. All this surveillance will never do as the fascists say it will, stop crime. That's not what it's meant to do. It was set up to turn citizens in a community into controlled, frightened serfs. It was set up to destroy the fabric of society, turning the intimidated vassals against each other. This is what fascism always tries to do and in Britain it's on steroids. Witness the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act that denies parents access to their childrens' playgrounds. They're really going after the kids there:
"Reid, together with the Respect Taskforce, has launched a poster-making competition in schools. The child who designs the best poster that 'challenges anti-social behaviour' will win the prize of becoming the voice of the talking CCTV in their town or city for one day."

The other thing is that it's all going to fail. This is top down authoritarianism and every time that it's attempted by sick, manipulative sociopaths it destrys itself because it goes against human nature. I've said before that the Brits are guinea pigs in a vast laboratory experiment that the psychos plan to import to the US, but I don't believe it's ever going to make it here. I think the seeds of destruction are built into this imposed Orwellian dystopia and it's eventually doomed. Brits certainly aren't very happy about how they live. Rage is growing against their fascist regime and if the sickos don't watch out they might eventually sit around forced to watch each other.

h/t to Aftermath News


Blogger Unknown said...

Can you select the Psycho? Take the free psycho quiz below to check it out;
Click Here to Take The Psychos Quiz


10/2/10 2:21 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Too many psychos to select just one, Pat.

10/2/10 4:17 PM  

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