Their Spirits Weren't The Only Things Drooping
Obama Win Turned Male Republicans Into Girlie Men

"Those who remember the street parties of Election Night 2008 might think the testosterone levels of Obama voters had shot up in triumph. That would be wrong.
Instead, liberal testosterone levels stayed stable, while those of male Republican voters plummeted. The latter also reported feeling submissive and unhappy.
There are many ways to read these results, which are based on saliva samples taken from 183 men and women as the polls closed, and again when President Obama’s victory was officially announced.
First, male voters get the same vicarious boost from a candidate’s political victory as they would their favorite sports team beating a rival. That’s the main academic finding of the study, published Wednesday in Public Library of Science ONE, but one that seems rather self-evident.
Instead, liberal testosterone levels stayed stable, while those of male Republican voters plummeted. The latter also reported feeling submissive and unhappy.
There are many ways to read these results, which are based on saliva samples taken from 183 men and women as the polls closed, and again when President Obama’s victory was officially announced.
First, male voters get the same vicarious boost from a candidate’s political victory as they would their favorite sports team beating a rival. That’s the main academic finding of the study, published Wednesday in Public Library of Science ONE, but one that seems rather self-evident.
Much more interesting is the split. Obama voter testosterone merely stabilized. The researchers suggest that, as nighttime testosterone levels typically dip, stabilization “is conceptually similar to a rise.”
But if testosterone usually just dips at night, it positively plummeted for Republican men.
Indeed, Republican men “felt significantly more controlled, submissive, unhappy and unpleasant at the moment of the outcome” than those who voted for Obama, the researchers wrote. “Moreover, since the dominance hierarchy shift following a presidential election is stable for four years, the stress of having one’s political party lose control of executive policy decisions could plausibly lead to continued testosterone suppression in males.”
Women of both political parties, it should be noted, experienced no significant testosterone changes on election night."
But if testosterone usually just dips at night, it positively plummeted for Republican men.
Indeed, Republican men “felt significantly more controlled, submissive, unhappy and unpleasant at the moment of the outcome” than those who voted for Obama, the researchers wrote. “Moreover, since the dominance hierarchy shift following a presidential election is stable for four years, the stress of having one’s political party lose control of executive policy decisions could plausibly lead to continued testosterone suppression in males.”
Women of both political parties, it should be noted, experienced no significant testosterone changes on election night."
Haha -this is a great one also nolo! Obi -bam-kenobi the Repiglican testosterone suppressor!
hey before i go i wanted to mention this to someone with a brain (you and the mrs:-) Did you ever do anything on Egyptair flight 990? the one that went down on halloween 1999 over the atlantic. I got to thinking of symbolism the other day with this and your post about the "duck in a noose guy" really got me going again -just from the flight number -and you are right whoever they are love their 11s-9X11=99-or 3X33 =99 and ya know they love their 33s too! then the mind control aspect of the pilot who caused the 767 to plummet (also the same type of plane that would eventually slam into the towers) when the fellow who tried to save the plane and unfortunately failed -all the pilot "el-Batouty"? who caused the crash could do was mumble the same stuff over and over. what i am getting at and so sorry for putting it under a post that isn't even close to being what it is about-is that did that Egyptair flight have both a ritual and conspiracy aspect to it? ritual for a "successful" 9/11 using the flight numbers and mind control judging from the pilots behavior? and of course M Atta was an Egyptian and the US has such a long relationship with them -I guess all I am asking -and this is by no means set in stone in my mind yet-is could EgyptAir 990 have been some sort of "preview" of 9/11?
I just ask you because you are one of the few people who see both the nuts and bolts "reality" of a subject but can theorize beyond that and of course are very smart-and I am not trying to play kiss ass -you just are one of them smart 'uns! I only wish there was more like you in our benighted country!
all the best to you and the Mrs and all who comment here-you deserve an award for keeping on top of all this stuff for so long-i am serious - and you do your posts with the perfect amount of word usage so a person can get caught up on the important things that you won't here on the MSM (ever!) in about 10 to 15 minutes if someone is pressed for time
thanks again for your hard work!!
Well hell [blush].
Thanks Devin but anything I do really isn't hard work.
I remember that Egyptair flight and it's abnormalities but I hadn't become a mouse potato and blogger yet so I'd have to go look at archives. Bet it's interesting.
9/11 is when I decided the internet was going to be a Very Important Thing in my life, when I knew enough to save thousands of relevant stories and pieces that disappeared over the years. Katrina was when I started blogging. I had to vent my murderous rage somehow.
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