Sunday, November 08, 2009

Media Still Reports Outbreak In Ukraine As Flu

Even though the fast and deadly spreading illness is pneumonic plague

"Ukrainian News Agency "Fraza" reported that, according to informed sources, "it has been confirmed 100 % Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine".
The Agency asserts that "the head physician of the medical institutions has sent out an informal disposal - not to sow panic, to refute the information about the plague, and to speak only of swine influenza".
According to the "Fraza" agency, "today in Ukraine pneumonic plague is going in parallel with swine flu. The plague has killed over 60 people, and about 14 from the flu."

The above is from several days ago and I would think the percentages stayed the same.
Here are some typical recent headlines:

Death toll rises to 86 in Ukraine flu epidemic AFP

Death toll from flu outbreak in Ukraine rises to 144 RIA Novasti

Slovakia tightens border with flu-hit Ukraine Reuters

Seems to be a reluctance to adequately report what people are getting sick from in that country. With some million people stricken out of a population of about 46 million, it's pretty serious but the news constantly calls it a flu epidemic. However it's completely different in that flu is a virus and all plague is caused by a bacterium, yersinia pestis. The confusion might be sloppy reporting but keeping the fear level high about the laboratory produced swine flu fits our overlords' current agenda, so that's what they're calling every sniffle.

What's interesting and possibly relevant is that strange death of a microbiologist in Chicago about two months ago. From plague.

Plague researcher in Chicago dies from infection

"CHICAGO (Reuters) - Public health officials are investigating the death of a University of Chicago researcher who studied plague bacteria and was found to have the microbe in his blood, university officials said on Monday.
Malcolm Casadaban, who died on September 13, was researching a weakened strain of the plague bacteria Yersinia pestis. Because it is missing key proteins, the strain is not normally harmful to people."

"This organism has been studied in the lab for 40-plus years. This is the first time this has happened," Kenneth Alexander, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Chicago Medical Center, said in a telephone interview."


Anonymous nick z said...

A forum I visit has suggested that there has been a possible mistranslation of "hemorrhagic pneumonia" to "pneumonic plague". Don't know exactly what the significance is, except maybe that the "plague" is much more serious.

9/11/09 2:11 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Hmm, neither sounds good and it would probably kill me dead immediately.
Bad lung.

9/11/09 7:23 PM  

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