Friday, November 06, 2009

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

The Empire strikes back right when when public support for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan sinks to all time lows, an anti-war Islamic extremist with links to suicide bombers goes on a shooting rampage at a U.S. army base, reinvigorating support for the war on terror and demonizing opposition to it as anti-American extremism. The scam would be believable if it wasn’t so perfectly staged.
Without getting into convoluted conspiracy theories about mind control and whatever else, not that they aren’t without merit, the facts we already know about Hasan and his behavior prior to the deadly shootings just screams out “patsy” and “set-up” and almost exactly mirrors other terror scams the Empire has run in the past."

the smiling patsy-to-be gets his pre - murder breakfast

"Men in Suits" take another suspect away

"(CNN) -- A senior officer who was playing golf Thursday near Fort Hood, Texas, told CNN he witnessed the arrest of one of the two surviving suspects of the shooting at the Army installation.
Shortly after the shooting, the officer said, military police told him to clear the course and he saw other MPs surround the building that held the golf carts, he said.
The senior officer said he ducked into a nearby house for cover as 30 to 40 cars carrying MPs approached.
He said he saw a soldier in battle-dress uniform, his hands in the air. The MPs ordered him to lie on the ground and open his uniform, presumably to ensure he was not carrying explosives, the senior officer said.
He said an MP told him that authorities considered the man to be a suspect in the shootings after having overheard the man say he was with the shooter.
The man was surrounded for 25 to 30 minutes, until a convoy of vehicles arrived, led by a Ford Crown Victoria and carrying men in suits, and he was taken away, the senior officer said."

I'm going on the assumption the cover story is complete fabrication. There are reports of other shooters, more suspects, friendly fire, you name it. It's a total mess and when you go to a slimeball site like Drudge and see that this guy supposedly screams 'Alahu Akbar' before opening fire, I know they're yanking my middle leg.

Probably the best explanation, one that the military absolutely doesn't want us to know, is that several soldiers refused to be deployed to the senseless killing fields and went postal. We're not supposed to realize the catastrophic collapse of morale and the truly dire levels of suicides and stress disorders and it wouldn't surprise me if this sort of thing happens frequently, but we're not told. So the propagandists come up with their usual "lone gunman" explanation using a convenient muslim scapegoat and it's all wrapped up in a nice neat package for the perplexed mouthbreathers.

Go team.

Desperately seeking justification for the hyper propaganda.
added - Fort Hood suspect became more devout after mother's death, cousin says

more luridness to drive the 'lone gunman' story home - Survivors Say Fort Hood Gunman Shot the Wounded Again

they keep shoveling the shit - Fort Hood shooting: Texas army killer linked to September 11 terrorists


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