Thursday, October 01, 2009

Lie Factories At It Again

Here's a typical online story, this from the CSM:

Iran's secret site is the missing piece in its nuclear puzzle

"If Iran plans to make nuclear weapons away from the prying eyes of the international community, it would need a secret facility like the one Obama revealed Friday."

And from FAUX:

Old Dog, New Tricks; Obama Reveals Iranian Nuclear Facility

Top of the hour news organizations keep repeating the magic word 'secret' over and over, as if Iran was out to hide it's facility with all the nefarious skullduggery going on that the mind can conjure up. This is a flat out lie, and they keep repeating it, just like the lying mistranslation of Ahmadinejad's speech when we were told he wanted to "wipe Israel off the map".

The truth of the matter is that the country is a signer of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (IAEA). Under it's rules Iran needed to notify the International Atomic Energy Agency about the existence of places like this 6 months before any new facility becomes operational. The site is still under construction and won't be operational for one and a half years. It's not finished and it has no scary nuclear material in it and no bombs are being made, but that won't stop the shrill fearmongering as the point of all this garbage is to demonize Iran enough to send the missiles flying.

Obama revealed nothing but a huge spin campaign on September 25. Iran notified the IAEA September 21. Here is a letter from the IAEA thanking Iran for complete compliance of the rules:

"With reference to the letter of 21 September 2009... from HE Ambassador Soltanieh to the Director General of the Agency Dr ElBaradei, I wish to thank the Islamic Republic of Iran for providing the Agency with information about Iran's activities related to the construction of a new pilot enrichment plant."

"Violation" "Covert" "Secret"
The ziofascists keep flogging this non cooporation lie and the corrupt MSM enthusiastically performs it's job to hammer the lie home, a sickening repeat of what it did in the run up to the invasion and rape of Iraq in 2003.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Figures lie and liars figure"

Stay tuned folks!

MSM - Main Spin Media

1/10/09 12:27 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

The extent of it all boggles.

1/10/09 6:00 PM  
Blogger Devin said...

Boy do you have this right!! It looks like a sickening run up to 2003 and the rape and war crimes in Iraq-I hate to sound like an asshole but sometimes I wonder if there is a creator-if it might not seeing its monkeys in manpants wiped off the face of the earth. Is there really that much to recommend us? sorry to sound like such a jerk-i just can't believe that people will not wake the fuck up-some are but I don't know if it is near enough -I shudder to think of what some of the weapons in the real "evildoers" arsenal might do!!

3/10/09 5:26 PM  

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