Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hey Slaves! Lick Your Chains For A Few Coins!

New "Game" Encourages Secret Police-Style Spying

"A new online "game" called Internet Eyes is about to launch, offering players a chance to earn money by spying on people through closed-circuit television cameras and reporting them to the police - for real.
Players of Internet Eyes will monitor "thousands" of CCTV cameras, watching for crimes and reporting them to the authorities in hopes of winning monthly cash prizes of up to £1,000 (roughly $1600). The game's website will also feature a gallery of the people busted by Internet Eyes users along with a breakdown of their crimes and which user caught them. Tony Morgan, one of the men behind the scheme, said he and his partners were inspired to launch Internet Eyes by the fact that while the U.K. has roughly 4.2 million CCTV cameras installed throughout the country - a per-capita rate that easily outpaces even that of China - only "one in a thousand" actually gets watched.
"This could turn out to be the best crime prevention weapon there's ever been," Morgan said. "I wanted to combine the serious business of stopping crime with the incentive of winning money."
The game will be free to play, while anyone who wants a camera monitored by Internet Eyes will pay £20 per week for the service. Morgan said he hopes that businesses, "local authorities" and even police forces will eventually take advantage of the service. The game will use cameras in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon when it launches in November, with a country-wide rollout expected soon after.
"Crimes are bound to get missed but this way the cameras will be watched by lots of people 24-hours-a-day. It gives people something better to do than watching Big Brother when everyone is asleep," he said, apparently without a trace of irony. "We've had a lot of interest from local businesses and hope to roll it out nationwide and then worldwide."

h↑t to Aftermath News


Anonymous nick z said...

So how deeply involved will the spies get? Will they report all suspicious behavior, or just obvious criminal activities?

11/10/09 9:30 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

With money to be had one would guess picking your nose would become suspicious behavior.

11/10/09 8:57 PM  

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