Sunday, July 12, 2009

What Is It With Sick Religionists And Women?

Reporter feels mob's hate in the Holy City

"I was aware that earlier protests had erupted into violence on previous weekends - Orthodox Jews throwing rocks at police, or setting rubbish bins alight, even throwing dirty nappies or rotting rubbish at anyone they perceive to be desecrating the Shabbat.
But I never expected their anger would be directed at me.
I was mindful I would need to dress conservatively and keep out of harm's way. But I made my mistake when I parked the car and started walking towards the protest, not fully sure which street was which.
By the time I realised I'd come up the wrong street it was too late.
I suddenly found myself in the thick of the protest - in the midst of hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews in their long coats and sable-fur hats.
They might be supremely religious, but their behaviour - to me - was far from charitable or benevolent.
As the protest became noisier and the crowd began yelling, I took my recorder and microphone out of my bag to record the sound.
Suddenly the crowd turned on me, screaming in my face. Dozens of angry men began spitting on me.

I found myself herded against a brick wall as they kept on spitting - on my face, my hair, my clothes, my arms.
It was like rain, coming at me from all directions - hitting my recorder, my bag, my shoes, even my glasses.
Big gobs of spit landed on me like heavy raindrops. I could even smell it as it fell on my face."

Rabbi Eliyahu on a Woman's Place

"During a Torah lesson delivered Monday, the prominent national religious leader spoke at length about the importance of observing chastity codes. He advised soldiers to cover their ears during military ceremonies that include women singing. “It’s better to go to jail than to obey the commander and hear a woman sing or play,” he stated.
Eliyahu stressed that listening to a woman deliver a speech, if she did so while using hand gestures, was also forbidden: “It’s very serious. One should watch out for these things.

Woman Says Misogynistic Cop Arrested Her, Punched Her, Grabbed Breasts for Carrying Pug in Subway

"Greenpoint resident Chrissie Brodigan says she was riding on the L train between Bedford and First Avenue when her pug, who has health problems, overheated and began vomiting in the tote bag she was carrying him in. As she was leaving the subway station with the dog in her arms, she says a police officer's attempt to issue her a ticket turned ugly, and when she became upset the cop began saying, "If you're going to act like a woman I'm going to treat you like a woman."

According to Brodigan, the arresting officer's name is Witriol (badge number 942838). After seeing a photo, she identified him to us as Joel Witriol, who in 2006 became New York's first Hasidic cop.

Brodigan, 32, says Witriol would not accept her explanation that she was carrying the pug because it was sick, and she believes that the disturbed crowd that gathered to witness the arrest only made him angrier. She tells us, "He punched me in the back (there are bruises), he handcuffed me, and in the scuffle grabbed my breasts and pinched them."

And of course it's not only jews.

Afghanistan legalizes rape, starvation of women

"This week, Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed legislation which among other things, allows Afghan men to starve their wives if they refuse to have sex with them. The measure was an amendment to a law which have husbands the right to force themselves on their wives, if they did not consent."

"Afghanistan's Muslim law now allows rapists to go free if they offer to marry their victims."


Blogger Nina said...

for as much as i liked our palestinian neighbors, their (the adults) views on women were archaic. wife was not allowed to speak to mr. n. the one time she did, her hub gave her quite the look. first time i wanted to call the hub an ass. it's a fine line. i want to respect people's religious viewpoints, but damn, when you see women who are told they can't speak w/other men w/o spousal approval or when they're told to cover up their bodies, one just has to speak up and say "you don't HAVE to do this. it's nothing more than some opinion as created by a man who simply wants to control females. and that is NOT what religion is about sistah!"

i think what we have now on hand are groups of men who hate women and, as a result of this, we have groups of women who hate men.

13/7/09 4:41 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Funny when god's word is bandied about it's always people doing the talking.

13/7/09 6:16 PM  

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