Thursday, July 09, 2009

Toxic Sludge Is Good For You

Notice the big push to get you to drink what comes out of the tap from your municipal water supply?

ABC - Is Bottled Water Better Than Tap?

CBS - Bottled Water Impure Too, Study Finds

Metblog - NYC Tap Water better than Bottled Water

USAToday - Bottled water no better than tap water

You get the picture. I don't know the reason for this all of a sudden demonization of bottled water; it could be a concerted effort to make us all guzzle happily from the tap, it could just be pack journalism, or it could be a ruse to institute more government control but the push is on in any case. If I was a betting man I'd put my money on a project to convince us to keep consuming our fluoride as good, docile sheep.

I haven't drunk municipal water for thirty years. I consider city type tap water to be unsuitable for human consumption with it's chlorine and especially fluoride dumped into it along with trace poisons and pipe corrosion. It also tastes very nasty and I wouldn't go near it unless I was dying of thirst.

Detractors do have one solid point. Most water sold in plastic containers is just plain old crap water that may have been treated in some way to clean up the taste. But there's a way to make sure you're getting your money's worth. Never buy 'purified', 'spring', 'drinking' or any other named water in those gallon sized containers. Always buy distilled water. Any other designation is meaningless and could merely be tap water from Hoboken dressed up with a pretty mountain picture on the label. But distilled water has to have gone through the distillation process because it's used for medical and dietary reasons and also needed in steam irons, batteries and radiators. It's guaranteed to be what it says it is or there'd be big trouble.

And I know that, yeah, chemicals from plastic bottles leach into the water and act as female hormones in some studies. Like most aging guys I'm starting to see man-tits but I imagine that's a function of my beer intake rather than the water packaging. Even if the stuff is in there I'd say it was worth it to be sure of otherwise poison free water.
One thing that seems to be left out of the equation is how bottled water is now indispensable down here in the hot and dry southwest. It's absolutely necessary to suck down liquids and bottled water is sensible and ubiquitous. I just make sure it's distilled.


Anonymous greencrow said...

The PTB must be getting nervous about the masses not being sedated by tap water.

Bottled water is just as bad.

I avoid water and drink wine and ciders for my fluids : )


9/7/09 9:24 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

My mother actually never drank water except for coffee, and she's 86 years old.

10/7/09 3:49 AM  
Anonymous nick z said...

If you're having kidney and liver problems, fresh, clean mountain-spring water is the best way to flush the system. There are bottled waters out there that are far better than tap-water. i buy it in the gallon. All the local tap-water around here is bad, due to high traces of chlorine (you can smell it).

The other reason why they want to ban bottled water might be entirely profit-motivated. More people will resort to buying filters for their taps. The filter business could reap millions all at once in a huge surge if bottles are banned.

If you want the political angle, this is an extreme left conspiracy. Common Dreams kicked me out of its forums simply for disagreeing with them on this issue. I've since lost respect for those idiots.

10/7/09 6:44 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

One question nick - how do you know it's actually mountain spring water?

Just a casually related experience - I was in a bar one time in eastern Oregon about 30 years ago. The place erupted in laughter all at once when it was either a Coors or Hamms commercial came on television. They were singing about ♪♫♪pure mountain water♪♫♪ and showed a clip of sheep sloshing through a high altitude stream. The inbred locals clearly saw the humor in what was supposed to be (to city folk) a vision of idylic pastoral purity. Not to cast aspersions on your mountain spring water, but I learned a huge lesson from those Deliverance extras that night.

10/7/09 3:57 PM  
Anonymous nick z said...

I'm talking about getting it straight from the source. I camped out in some mountains in the 90s and again last year and filled my bottles with water directly from the streams there. I carried some in when i found an apartment and compared it to the bottled water.

No, nothing in any of the bottles I bought could compare with the real thing, but it was all much better than the chlorinated stuff coming from the tap. It's not hard to smell or taste the difference. Basically, good bottled water is tasteless and doesn't leave any bad after taste. That's the stuff i generally buy.

Stay away from something called Danse (sp?), it's put out by the Coca-Cola company and it's really bad, leaves a terrible oily after-taste. Poland Springs is still the king of bottled water, can't go wrong there. But even the cheaper store-brand stuff in the gallons i get at some of the big chains is better than the tap water by a long-shot.

11/7/09 8:44 AM  

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