Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It's The Prudent Thing To Do

I would say that it's too late at this point to start making any long term commitment to disaster preparation and survival. So many imminent ugly scenarios are staring right in our face that we can't rely on things remaining stable long enough to finalize extensive plans, like relocation or waiting on backorders for gear.
But it's never too late to develop the basic survival mindset to adequately confront life changing situations that as this author states, are inevitable now.
The one thing that stands out in this article, and it's probably the most important point to make, is that when the SHTF, the government will be your worst enemy. To me that's the one thing that prudent people have to wrap their minds around. Government at all levels have been planning what they will do to us in all scenarios for a very, very long time. It's up to us to devise plans to confront that fact.

Preparing for civil unrest

" The most remarkable thing about civil unrest is that there hasn't been more of it.
Politicians are making a hash of this country—and much of the rest of the civilized world. We know it. They know it. They know we know it. But we don't feel we can do anything much to stop them.
That right there is the pre-condition for civil unrest—when people are frustrated and politicians are nervous.
Worse, that was how things stood before last fall's crash. Before pols on both left and right launched the biggest mass transfer of wealth in history—transferring our wealth (what we had left of it!) to their friends on Wall Street and in the banking industry. In other words, that's how things were before things got bad!
Now everybody's talking about the ongoing catastrophe (even if we are in a momentarily sunny mood). But almost nobody is talking about the logical—maybe even inevitable—consequences of cynical or desperate politicians abusing an already fed-up populace: civil unrest.
I mean people taking to the streets. Or mass resistance. Or crackdowns because the government fears we might do something to upset its apple cart. It's going to happen. Somewhere. At some time. It's going to."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the police are militarizing like crazy with off-the-hook neo-zio-nazis who aren't afraid to taser and kill little old ladies, so the fear factor is escalated a notch or two beforehand.

Mainstream media: "Be afraid, be very afraid."

7/7/09 10:35 AM  
Anonymous nick z said...

My attitude personally is; I don't like what is happening one bit at all and I'd definitely support a massive rebellion, but on the other hand, I've been struggling like Sysyphus for 40 years trying to make a decent life for myself, and I just got a good apartment and don't want to lose it, and my work is only now beginning to bear some fruit and hope for real prosperity.

Like Sysyphus who has just reached a small plateau and can let the boulder rest a bit before continuing, I don't like the idea of a bunch of cavemen telliong me that I have to sacrifice everything I have worked for to fight the selfish, world-domineering cromagnon lords. i don't have all that much to lose, but it's more than I had 10 years ago.

8/7/09 7:01 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

i'm with nick.

8/7/09 6:34 PM  

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