Sunday, July 05, 2009

Little Sarah's Word Soup

Sarah Palin Turns Pro

"I wish Hunter S. Thompson had lived to see this.
As Hunter said, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Sarah Palin makes Mark Foley, the congressman who sent filthy emails to pages look almost normal. She makes David Vitter, the senator who was hanging out with hookers, look almost boring. She makes Larry Craig, caught hitting on a cop in a men's room, look almost stable. She makes John Ensign, the senator who was having an affair with a staffer, look almost humdrum (and compared to the rest of the GOP whack-jobs, he is). And she makes Mark Sanford, the governor with the Latin lover, look positively predictable.
It was an almost impossible mission, but in resigning from office with 17 months to go in her first term, Sarah Palin has made herself the bull goose loony of the GOP.
Let's stipulate that if there is some heretofore unknown personal, medical or family crisis, this was the right move. But Gov. Palin didn't say anything like that. Her statement was incoherent, bizarre and juvenile. The text, as posted on Gov. Palin's official website (
here), uses 2,549 words and 18 exclamation points. Lincoln freed the slaves with 719 words and nary an exclamation; Mr. Jefferson declared our independence in 1,322 words and, again, no exclamation points. Nixon resigned the presidency in 1,796 words -- still no exclamation points. Gov. Palin capitalized words at random - whole words, like "TO," "HELP," and "AND," and the first letter of "Troops."
Gov. Palin's official announcement that she is resigning as chief executive of the great state of Alaska had all the depth and gravitas of a 13-year-old's review of the Jonas Brothers' album on Facebook. She even quoted her parents' refrigerator magnet."


Blogger Nina said...

of course the huffington post is going to insult her--they're lefties. that's their job. fox will portray her as a hero. left, right, they're all idiots who miss the REAL boat floating out at sea.

i read the speech. it's wordy, repetitive, and i doubt was written by someone else. the post's analysis was petty. what did they expect from her? brilliance? they apparently forgot just who the speaker is and how she communicates.

it's also telling how much our nation insults females who have that "ditzy blond cheerleader" energy/mannerism. i'd rather have ditzy realness instead of politically-correct lies.

i have a hunch some handlers are behind this, encouraging her to run as an indy somewhere down the road.

6/7/09 12:47 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

You're probably on to something there with Bailin' Palin and her whole criminal doublewide trainwreck. When her traveling three ring circus hit town it absolutely shocked me that such obvious idiocy had any grassroots support other than credulous mouthbreathers, and subsequent digging showed the heavy, invisible hand of massive GOP support from the very first. Why? Just like with Dan Quayle, they're playing chess, we're playing checkers.

6/7/09 3:44 PM  

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