Sunday, December 07, 2008

Got Your Potassium Iodide Pills Ready?

Pakistani Security Consultant Calls Mumbai Attacks A "Botched" False Flag

"A renowned Pakistani strategic defence analyst has described last week's terrorist attacks in Mumbai as a "botched" false flag operation designed to imitate the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
Zaid Hamid, a security consultant who routinely appears on Pakistani television, told reporters of the News One channel that the attacks were state sponsored by Indian military intelligence and carried out by Hindu zionists aided by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency."

These Keystone Kops fear inducing productions, since 9/11, have all been laughable, sloppy stage plays if they weren't so deadly. Any clear minded individual who asks questions and weighs evidence can easily see the true nature and real intent of the attacks. The perps know this but don't seem to care, because most people are dullards who believe the brownshirt media whores and their lies.

Corporate media's filthy job in bloody events like 9/11 and Bali and Mumbai is to muddy the waters, create smokescreens, sow confusion and pin the blame on designated patsies. The Big Effort, since the "fall" of communism, has been to demonize muslims as psychotic mass murderers. Criminal fascist elements worldwide stage these blood soaked, splashy events with mind controlled dupes and then the execrable MSM goes to work on public perception.

I'll never forget the morning of 9/11 when the news first began reporting that the twin towers were under attack. I dropped everything and monitored the internet, radio and TV. It took mere seconds before media began intoning Osama over and over again and never let up. That was the spectacular lollapalooza that kicked off the drive for total war abroad and tyranny at home, and all they needed were a few stupid inoculations now and then to yank the mouthbreather's chains to keep them in line.

Slaughtering innocents to induce fear, revulsion and anger for control and political gain is the tried and true MO of fascists worldwide. The real Axis of Evil is CIA/Mossad/M15 that has unlimited resources to set up phony (usually muslim) organizations to blame when they spill blood with their false flag operations. It's the Hegelian Dialectic on amphetamines and the psycho killers have no compunctions and no remorse.

Mumbai seems to have been part of a pattern to set the stage for total disruption and war on the asian mainland by blaming Pakistan for the carnage. The US military has had no qualms about bombing Pak territory in a campaign of provocation that has Pakistani leaders threatening to shoot down aircraft that flies over the country. Laurel and Hardy are even bizarrely over there trying their best to stir up trouble. During the Bushista mob era the fascists wanted to target Iran but now that a different faction is ascendant, with Obama's pal Brzezinski in charge, the manipulations for control may have expanded to the entire asian mainland by substituting one muslim nation for another.

So Pakistan needs to be redesignated as a terrorist breeding ground and will be blamed for headline grabbing bloodshed. We probably haven't seen the last of these senseless slaughters until war's been achieved, because chaos/war is where the fascists gain the most. The psychos couldn't care less if nukes were exchanged over phony "terrorism". And nobody pulls off murder of the innocents quite like the zionists.

added 12/7 - One step closer to war with a nuclear armed nation. I wonder who these "militants" could be with the intel and resources to pull this off?

Dozens of NATO supply trucks torched in Pakistan

plus - squawking Sec of State delivers ultimatum to the designated patsies


Blogger pteranodon said...

Can this really be true?

7/12/08 6:17 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

With the US, on an hourly basis now, trying to get into a nuclear war with Pakistan it absolutely could be true.

7/12/08 9:18 AM  

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