Is This A Backdoor Way For The Fascists To Put The Final Nail In The Republic's Coffin?
They sure do have a bag of tricks, don't they?
What would the chances have been that both the repugs and dems nominated men whose citizenship was questionable, leading to a possible constitutional crisis? Not very likely at all but that's what happened, and now the heat is on Obama as accusations mount that he isn't a natural born american citizen, making him ineligible to assume the presidency. As a matter of fact today the supreme court will decide whether to take up a lawsuit challenging his right to move into the white house.
"Legal experts say the appeal has little chance of succeeding, despite appearing on the court's schedule. Legal records show it is only the tip of an iceberg of nationwide efforts seeking to derail Obama's election over accusations that he either wasn't born a U.S. citizen or that he later renounced his citizenship in Indonesia."
Supreme ironies abound with this. It was this court that installed Bush The Psychopath when they stopped recounts in Florida in 2000 and now they are being asked to deny his replacement. If they do rule that Obama is ineligible the country may spin into such chaos that martial law could be invoked, leaving you know who as president-for-life.
And one thing seems truly puzzling. Since this suit revolves around the constitutional requirement that a president be a natural born citizen, during the last excruciating eight years where was the outrage at how the Bushista mob used the constitution to wipe their filthy asses?
But the fascists needn't worry too much. If the supremes dismiss the complaints and Obama is found to be a naturalized citizen it'll only open up the door for who they really want to see as president.
What would the chances have been that both the repugs and dems nominated men whose citizenship was questionable, leading to a possible constitutional crisis? Not very likely at all but that's what happened, and now the heat is on Obama as accusations mount that he isn't a natural born american citizen, making him ineligible to assume the presidency. As a matter of fact today the supreme court will decide whether to take up a lawsuit challenging his right to move into the white house.
"Legal experts say the appeal has little chance of succeeding, despite appearing on the court's schedule. Legal records show it is only the tip of an iceberg of nationwide efforts seeking to derail Obama's election over accusations that he either wasn't born a U.S. citizen or that he later renounced his citizenship in Indonesia."
Supreme ironies abound with this. It was this court that installed Bush The Psychopath when they stopped recounts in Florida in 2000 and now they are being asked to deny his replacement. If they do rule that Obama is ineligible the country may spin into such chaos that martial law could be invoked, leaving you know who as president-for-life.
And one thing seems truly puzzling. Since this suit revolves around the constitutional requirement that a president be a natural born citizen, during the last excruciating eight years where was the outrage at how the Bushista mob used the constitution to wipe their filthy asses?
But the fascists needn't worry too much. If the supremes dismiss the complaints and Obama is found to be a naturalized citizen it'll only open up the door for who they really want to see as president.

Regardless, the Janus political coin of the realm is 500,000 unemployed a month ready, willing and able to form the nwo police state. Shut the door of perception. There seems to be a draft.
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