Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Never Ending Pack Of Lies From The Obsessed Psychopaths

Iran, Iran, Iran. That's all we hear from the violence crazed, hypocritical mass murderers and war profiteers. It's not like this is new, I'm old enough to remember when it was done before - Cuba in the sixties, then Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Yugoslavia, Iraq - even Grenada tossed in there for fucks sake. It's a steady drumbeat of lying garbage that's planned and executed by design to make american dullards think some country is a dire menace, only because it's a threat to the fascist agenda by being a good example to it's neighbors as in the case of Nicaragua, or it has something of value like natural resources. In Iraq it seems it wasn't the oil they wanted just yet, but land for bases to ultimately conquer the rest of south Asia.

So it's all they talk about, these phony, trumped up bullshit threats, and the vile criminals in the MSM dutifully megaphone it as if it's real news. The idiotic thing is that with just a tiny bit of effort their whole orchestrated manipulation is exposed as garbage.

Iran is supposed to be this deadly adversary who is inches away from building a nuclear weapon with the sole purpose of killing you and me. That's the endless, tiresome tirade they spew, and to the warmongering scumbags, even as our society crumbles around us, it's the only god damned thing in the universe to pay attention to.

Bush doesn't rule out military strike in Iran
Rice warns Iran that world has lost its patience
Gates Says Iran Remains a Threat
Rice warns of more U.S. sanctions on Iran
Bush urges allies to raise pressure on Iran

It's their intention to build nuclear power plants, you see, with the possibility that they would use enriched uranium to build an atomic bomb or two, that should make us tremble in our boots. Never mind that the Iranians have repeatedly said they have no ambitions to build nuclear weapons, and that there is absolutely no evidence that they are.
The not-so-slightly troubling thing with this fear mongering crap is that Iran has every right in the world as a signatory to the nuclear non proliferation treaty to build their power generating plants. But the Bushista mafia made it clear from the outset that treaties and agreements are meaningless, discardable annoyances, the law is only what the fascists want.
Another question about this transparent, fear mongering nonsense, should american mouth breathers turn off Dancing With the Stars and think about it, is why the hell they paid multi trillions in tax money for the most bloated military the world has ever seen if they're supposed to have nightmares over a couple of non existent nukes halfway around the world?

The hypocrisy drips from the Iran obsessed cabal. It's a made up, phony obsession that's only a marketing strategy to get you to buy their e coli drenched war poison. Iran is merely the latest regional rival to Israel that needs to be demonized with incessant propaganda so the dead-from-the-neck-up boob tube droolers will cheer when the cruise missiles fly.
You see, aside from the fact that a bunch of countries in the middle east are pursuing nuclear technology, while they target Iran with destruction the Bushista mafia is positively falling all over themselves to make sure Saudi Arabia gets everything they need:

"In a ceremony little-noticed in this country, Ms. Rice volunteered the U.S. to assist Saudi Arabia in developing nuclear reactors, training nuclear engineers, and constructing nuclear infrastructure. While oil breaks records at $130 per barrel or more, the American consumer is footing the bill for Saudi Arabia's nuclear ambitions."


Blogger Bpaul said...

People also don't get that the technology needed to produce reactor fuel-level material is quite different from that needed to make nuclear bombs the likes of which they are trying to scare us with. Much more work, much more money, much more materials (which are all but impossible to move on the planet without making a trail).

It's not something you could "sneakily" produce. At all.

Nuclear power facilities do not equal nuclear bomb capabilities.


12/6/08 12:57 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Good point also, but that won't stop them from bellowing out their lies. After all nuclear power and nuclear bomb both have the n word which will be all they need to fool the unwary.

12/6/08 5:32 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

good post-- the situation is fubared to be sure

the worst is this propaganda works for people with limited attention for news-- they see the constant headlines and think there's a threat, and meanwhile the fact that Bushco is helping the Saudis build nukes is completely ignored

12/6/08 6:55 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

The real threat and violent provocateur in the region is and always was Israel. Let's see them open up Dimona for inspection!

14/6/08 6:10 AM  

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