Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just Another Cartoon Candidate

Conservative Group Funds New Anti-McCain Campaign, Promoting "Mickey Mouse"

"Washington, DC June 10, 2008 -- Polls show record numbers of Republican voters who are dissatisfied with Sen. John McCain as the GOP's nominee for President.

A new online campaign, backed by conservatives, offers a way for them to vent their anger: write in "Mickey Mouse" for president


McCain has no support. His "candidacy" was plucked from the gutter when he was polling in low single digits compared to the other guys in the running, when his efforts were fruitless and his group was broke. The repugs had a real problem with all of them but decided McSame had the least malodorous baggage to market, so they jiggered enough machines to make it look like he rose from oblivion at the last second.

Conservatives dislike him

Liberals and progressives despise him.

Religionists hate him.

No support whatsoever from minorities.

The vast majority in this country can't stand Bush, the lies, the fascism and McSame embodies all the filth the murdering scum have forced down our throats for almost eight years. The lying MSM want you to think this is a horserace so they can sell you stuff, and the fascists need to make it look neck and neck to keep their options open for the big Diebold Swindle come November. But Joe Lieberman thinks he's a helluva guy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems rather apparent that they know they can control a democratic president as well as a republican.

12/6/08 7:36 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

They sure can, nick, and I'm still puzzling over what they plan to do with this "election".
McCain was obviously pulled out of nowhere to be the repug candidate. Was it to be Obama's foil? Or do they want him to be a drooling Reagan clone and will off Obama somehow either with Diebold or assassination? The real intrigue is in the hidden manipulation while we're supposed to believe the votes are counted fair and sqare.

14/6/08 6:16 AM  

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