Saturday, June 07, 2008

Middle East Pop Quiz

from antiwar

"It's time for another pop quiz on America's favorite region of the world – the Middle East. Let's get started with the subject of nuclear weapons.
Which country in the Middle East actually possesses nuclear weapons?
Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Which country in the Middle East refuses to allow international inspections of its nuclear facilities?
Which countries in the Middle East have called for the region to be a nuclear-free zone?
The Arab countries and Iran.
Which country in the Middle East occupies land belonging to other people?
Israel, which occupies a piece of Lebanon, a larger piece of Syria, East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.
Which country in the Middle East has for 60 years refused to allow refugees to return to their homes and refused to consider compensation to them for their lost property?
Which country has roads on which citizens who are Arab may not drive and housing developments where Arabs may not live?
Which country in the region has violated more United Nations resolutions than any other?

And on and on...

Remembering Israel's murderous attack on the USS Liberty June 7, 1967


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