Thursday, June 05, 2008

Despised Would Be Dictator Can't Travel Easily In His Realm

Bush gets rough reception in Park City

"PARK CITY, Utah - President George W. Bush visited Park City to help shake the pockets of donors at a Deer Valley function to bolster Republican campaigns. The Park Record has no report of how well the money-rustling went, but it does report that Bush was greeted, after a fashion, with crude signs and hand gestures.

These hand gestures apparently weren’t friendly hand waves. Summit County Sheriff Dave Edmunds described them as “classless and embarrassing.

”To ensure the president’s safety, 47 law officers were called out to help monitor the motorcade route. The cost to local taxpayers for overtime pay was $30,000.

The county commissioners supported the expenditure, if not necessarily Bush. “Frankly I don’t care whether he lives or dies,” said one commissioner, Sally Elliott. “But don’t let him die in Summit County.”

Hand gestures. Perhaps like this?


Bubble Boy needs a phalanx of security and snipers on the rooftops to travel anywhere in the country. Bubble Boy and his mafia cohorts are deathly afraid of the reception by ordinary people, and for damn good reason. This is why public settings are tightly monitored, the audiences are vetted and some previously announced events are cancelled because people are too disgusted to show up. Foreign trips mean he travels with his entire massive entourage, and if the fascists can't get a strictly controlled question and answer venue they'll walk.

I'm convinced the hatred is now widespread and deep. Support is virtually non existent for Bush and the rest of the criminal warpigs, and especially in the case of his would be successor John McSame. But we told that McSame is just about as popular as whoever the dem candidate will be, and it's a complete fabrication, a massive cover up. The fascists want you to believe hardly anyone thinks like you do, and the execrable MSM needs the upcoming Diebold selection process to be a horserace they can run with to sell their crap.

Strangeley, a giant sinkhole appeared on I70 just a little ways from where Dim Son showed up in Colorado. Coincidence? I think not.


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