Sunday, March 09, 2008

Civilization Start Up Kit To Be Stashed On The Moon

Forgive me if I sound jaded about this, but it would be better to prevent the need for this far fetched nonsense than spend the energy to accomplish it.
I'd place this in the same category as cryonics, where when you die they freeze your head in hopes that someday technology will bring you back to life. The first thing an enlightened society should do is pull the plugs.

Mankind's secrets kept in lunar ark

"IF civilisation is wiped out on Earth, salvation may come from space. Plans are being drawn up for a “Doomsday ark” on the moon containing the essentials of life and civilisation, to be activated in the event of earth being devastated by a giant asteroid or nuclear war.
Construction of a lunar information bank, discussed at a conference in Strasbourg last month, would provide survivors on Earth with a remote-access toolkit to rebuild the human race.
A basic version of the ark would contain hard discs holding information such as DNA sequences and instructions for metal smelting or planting crops. It would be buried in a vault just under the lunar surface and transmitters would send the data to heavily protected receivers on earth. If no receivers survived, the ark would continue transmitting the information until new ones could be built.
The vault could later be extended to include natural material including microbes, animal embryos and plant seeds and even cultural relics such as surplus items from museum stores.
As a first step to discovering whether living organisms could survive, European Space Agency scientists are hoping to experiment with growing tulips on the moon within the next decade."


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