Saturday, March 08, 2008

Got Torture?

AP - Democrats Criticize Bush's CIA-Bill Veto
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats and human rights advocates criticized President Bush's veto Saturday of a bill that would have banned the CIA from using simulated drowning and other coercive interrogation methods to gain information from suspected terrorists."

LA Times - Bush vetoes bill to ban waterboarding
"He calls tough interrogation methods 'valuable tools' in fighting terrorists. Democrats likely do not have enough votes to override the president's rare veto."

Bloomberg - Bush Vetoes Bill That Would Have Barred Waterboarding
"President George W. Bush vetoed legislation to bar the CIA from using harsh techniques such as waterboarding to question suspected terrorists, saying the interrogation program was ``one of the most valuable tools in the war on terror.''

Reuters - Bush to veto CIA waterboarding ban bill: aide
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush will veto legislation on Saturday banning U.S. intelligence agents from using waterboarding and other controversial interrogation methods, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said on Friday."

NY Times - Bush’s Veto of Bill on C.I.A. Tactics Affirms His Legacy
"WASHINGTON — President Bush on Saturday further cemented his legacy of fighting for strong executive powers, using his veto to shut down a Congressional effort to limit the Central Intelligence Agency's latitude to subject terrorism suspects to harsh interrogation techniques."


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