Friday, March 07, 2008

"The Killing Stopped Because There Was Nobody Left To Kill"

Years after the invasion and occupation of Iraq the psychopathic murderers and their brownshirts still refuse reality, preferring instead to live in their own dreamworld where it's all just wonderful.
Sewage overrun, barbed wire strewn Baghdad is the most dangerous city in the world and sits at the epicenter of a decaying hellhole of a country. Patrick Cockburn describes what it was like when a decision was made to create a propaganda photo op and pretend everything was nice and peaceful.

"One day after Brigadier Ata claimed that there had been no sectarian killings or abductions over the previous month, prime minister Maliki himself went on a walk about in central Baghdad to demonstrate just how safe things have become. But it was the precautions taken by Maliki’s bodyguards which were more revealing about the real state of security in the city.
Maliki’s brief venture onto the streets and out of the Green Zone took place in the al-Mansur district of west Baghdad. This is an area of big houses and many embassies, but has been heavily fought over by Sunni and Shia in the past year. “I was in Mansur on Saturday afternoon,” an Iraqi friend told me, “when, at about 3.15pm, I noticed a strange movement in the street, which was suddenly flooded by soldiers in green uniforms, led by generals and colonels, who were checking parked cars and all the buildings.” Minutes later a large convoy of vehicles appeared, with three US army Humvees in front and behind, and, in the middle, five black armoured four wheel drives They stopped in front of a famous ice cream shop called al-Ruwaad, but for fifteen minutes nobody got out of the vehicles as soldiers searched all the shops nearby. When officials and their guards did begin to emerge Maliki was in the middle of them and began to walk around.
“Everybody was scared when they saw him because they thought his presence might lead to an attack,” reported my friend. “Some women began to run away and I thought it was too dangerous for me to stay. I heard that Maliki gave 500,000 Iraqi dinars [£200] each to a woman who said her husband had been killed in a bomb explosion and a blind beggar.” Maliki also bought two suits from a well-known shop called Mario Zengotti, which promptly shut down, the owner presumably calculating that Baghdad is full of people who might kill him for selling clothes to the prime minister."

Yup, things are going so well that honchos in the intelligence community don't want to tell us about it.

Officials Lean Toward Keeping Next Iraq Assessment Secret


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