Saturday, January 05, 2008

Taserware, Not Tupperware Parties

You lift the little corner and it goes ZZZT

"GILBERT, Ariz. — Before she lets them shoot her little pink stun gun, Dana Shafman ushers her new friends to the living room for a chat about the fears she believes they all share.
"The worst nightmare for me is, while I'm sleeping, someone coming in my home," Shafman said, drawing a few nods from the gathered women.
Shafman, 34, of Phoenix, said she knows how they feel.
Welcome, she said, to her Taser party.
On the coffee table, Shafman spreads out Taser's C2 "personal protector" weapons that the company is marketing to the public. It doesn't take long before the women are lined up, whooping as they take turns blasting at a metallic target.
"C'mon!" she said. "Give it a shot."
Shafman isn't an employee for Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Taser International. She's an independent entrepreneur selling Tasers the way her mother's generation sold plastic food-storage containers."


Blogger Strayer said...

Good for her. Personally, I sleep with a machete. Among other things. Three bizarre incidents of strangers either in my yard or trying to get inside the house at night have made me quite aware of the need for protection. This isn't a Mayberry world.

6/1/08 2:30 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Personally, I sleep with a CZ 75 compact in .40, Strayer.
No, this isn't a Norman Rockwell painting, I have this thing about being blasé about Taser torture devices, though.

6/1/08 9:14 PM  

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